Biweekly Update- November 11, 2019

New Announcements:

1.    Guerrilla Gardening in Your Yard: Converting Neglected Spaces into Food, Beauty, and Diversity– Arlington, VA- December 7th

a.     Hosted at the Walter Reed Community and Senior Center in Arlington, VA

b.    See your yard anew through fresh, guerrilla gardening eyes. Learn how those difficult, abandoned, or underutilized parts of your yard can be transformed into successful garden spaces that provide natural beauty, healthy foods, and important support for pollinators and other beneficial insects.

c.     We’ll show you best practices, tools, and techniques to transform your yard’s missed opportunities into attractive and productive gardens – by working with Mother Nature and not against her.

                                              i.     This class is offered by Extension Master Gardeners.

                                             ii.     Free. Advance registration requested at

                                           iii.     Questions? Telephone 703-228-6414 -or- Email” style=”color:blue” target=”_blank”>


2. Youth Garden GrantsYouth Garden Projects Supported Throughout the U.S.- Deadline: December 16th

a., a national nonprofit dedicated to providing inspiration and support for parents and educators who are gardening with children, awards Youth Garden Grants to support school and youth educational garden projects that enhance the quality of life for students and their communities.

b.    Any U.S. nonprofit organization, school, or youth program planning a new garden program or expanding an established one that serves at least 15 youth between the ages of three and 18 is eligible to apply.

                                              i.     The top five programs will receive award packages valued at $2,360. Twenty programs will receive award packages valued at $775. The selection of winners is based on demonstrated program impact and sustainability.

c.     The application deadline is December 16, 2019. Visit the KidsGardening website to access application guidelines and forms


3.    4th Annual Seed Swap- Stafford, VA- January 25th 2020.

a.     Hosted by The Central Rappahannock Area Extension Master Gardeners

b.    Save your seeds for the 4th Annual Seed (and anything garden related) Swap!

                                              i.     Nothing to Swap? Come Anyway!
-Learn from knowledgeable speakers.
-Fun garden-related activities for children.
-Get answers to your garden or other horticultural questions.
The event is free and open to all.

c.     For more event information, please refer to the flyer attached in the title.


4.    New VCE Master Gardener Photo Submission!

a.     Here at the Extension Master Gardener State Office, we want to showcase YOU— our hardworking Master Gardeners!

b.    We know our Master Gardeners and volunteers are working hard to empower the communities around them, and we want to display and share that hard work on our social media!

c.     Submit your photos using the above link of volunteer events, training, community garden projects, meetings, and more— Anytime!

                                              i.     Photos that are submitted may be used in potential official VCE Master Gardener social media posts, blog material, or In Season stories— depending on the photos and stories submitted.

5.    Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items.

November Announcements:

6.     Virginia Association of Fairs, Caroline County Fair and Virginia Cooperative Extension Fall Judging School– November 16th– VA Tech; Blacksburg, VA

a.    Who should attend Judging School?

                                              i.     Agents, department superintendents, fair board members, Master Gardeners, and anyone interested or associated with the home goods sections of local’s fairs.

                                             ii.     Please see the attached registration form for more information. All participants must agree to be listed in our on-line Fair Judging School Directory as available apprentice or certified judges for state and local fairs and other events in Virginia. 

b.    Our goal is to train and certify participants to judge at local fairs, State Fair, or any other related competition. There are many benefits to having certified judges including uniformity of judging standards, ethics training, and having a pool of available judges across the Commonwealth. All instructors are certified and have years of experience judging in Virginia and Maryland.

                                              i.     For more information: call Jeannie Dudding at 540-921-3455.

                                             ii.     Registrations should be sent to:


 P.O. BOX 1207; RUTHER GLEN, VA  22546


7.    Medicinal and Culinary Mushroom WorkshopNovember 16th -VCE Appomattox

a.     Appomattox Master Gardeners are sponsoring a mushroom workshop in association with VCE – Appomattox and VSU.

b.    Participants will learn how to grow mushrooms from a local expert!

c.     Participants will learn how to prepare mushrooms to eat from a culinary expert!

                                              i.     Including live demonstrations!

                                             ii.     Morning refreshments will be provided by Appomattox Master Gardeners.

·      Fee $10. Class will be held from 9am to 12 noon at the:

VCE – Appomattox: 177 Morton Lane, Appomattox, VA 24522

·      Space is limited, so call 434-352-8244 to reserve your spot!


Other Announcements:

8.    Follow the State Office on social media:

                                              i.     Facebook

                                             ii.     Instagram

                                           iii.     YouTube

9.     Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

10. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

11. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

12. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

13. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

14. Every Kid in a Park Program

15. Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive pest insect– found in Winchester, VA- January 2018

a.     For information regarding the quarantine please see attached link

16. eXtension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019

17. Biennial 2018 EMG Summary– from the Extension Master Gardener National Committee

a.     Data collected indicates there are 86,076 EMG volunteers throughout the United States and Washington, D.C, contributing 5.6 million hours educating the public, providing youth programming, and facilitating produce donated to local food banks.

b.    While this is only the beginning of the value EMGs provide in their communities each year, 2018 efforts are estimated to have contributed 140 million dollars in value to the general public. Our volunteers reported over 8.6 million contacts and continue to be the front line of Extension’s consumer horticulture efforts. Forty-six states participated in this report.


18. Basil Downy Mildew: Occurrence Monitoring and Info Website for Gardeners

a.     A new website, created by Margaret McGrath and the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University, on monitoring occurrence of downy mildew on basil in the US and Canada:

                                              i.     It maps occurrences and replaces them into a GoogleDocs spreadsheet since 2009. There is information about BDM at the website that is geared for gardeners. Gardeners have been the primary and most important reporters in helping with monitoring this disease.

b.    A handout for gardeners about reporting occurrences of BDM and 2 other important diseases: late blight and cucurbit downy mildew.

Biweekly Update – August 9, 2019

Biweekly Update – August 9, 2019

New Announcements:

1.    Master Gardener College Updates: September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

a.     Registration is open and more than 275 Extension Master Gardeners have already registered! View our registration information page.  Registration closes on August 30th! For more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

b.    Book your room at The Main before August 15th! (some nights have limited availability, so please check availability with The Main). Please note that we are sold out of rooms at the conference rate for Saturday night only. You can still get the conference rate for all other nights but will pay a higher rate for Saturday night only. Please call the hotel directly to book your room. Booking online will result in inaccurate rates being assessed for your reservation. The direct number for The Main is 757-763-6200.

2.    Submit a Digital Brag Board for EMG College!

a.     Visit for guidelines and online submission form. Any unit may submit a digital brag board for display!


3.    PMG 30th Anniversary Event : “The Future of Landscapes in a Changing Environment”– Paramount Theater, Charlottesville, VA- September 8, 2019

a.     A celebration of the association’s 30 years of helping the people of Charlottesville and Albemarle County solve horticultural questions and adopt sustainable, science-based practices, the pre-event begins at 3:00 pm with opportunities to visit a children’s poster display and vendor booths and to enjoy concessions.

b.    The formal program begins at 4:00 pm and runs until 6:30 pm. and includes a panel discussion led Frank Reilly of the J. Reilly of The Reilly Group; a presentation by Dennis Dimick, former picture and environmental editor for the National Geographic; and, a presentation by Jeremy S. Hoffman, climate and earth scientist at the Science Museum of Virginia.

c.     The Piedmont Master Gardeners Association and Virginia Cooperative Extension are sponsoring a poster contest as part of The Future of Our Landscapes in a Changing Environment event

                                              i.     Open to any Charlottesville and Albemarle County public, private or home school students in grades 5-12. For further information about poster and submission guidelines, please visit

                                             ii.     Entry forms due August 30th

4.    Waynesboro Tree Workshop “Reveling in the Magnificence of Trees”- Waynesboro, VA – September 13, 2019

a.     Registration now open!

b.    For questions or inquiries contact:

                                              i.     Becky Woodson at (434)-220-9024 or

5.    2019 Master Composter Course– ONLINE – September 13th – November 1st


a.     Registration Deadline– September 11th

b.    100% Live Online-Topics Include: Soil and Decomposition Ecology, Biology of Composting, , Recipe Design, Disease Control, Site and Container Selection, VT Act 148, Managing the Compost Process, Troubleshooting, Educational Outreach, Worm Composting

c.     This course is also available to out-of-state residents


6.    Central Shenandoah Valley Garden Symposium– Weyers Cave, Virginia- October 19

a.     “Going Native: Let me tell you about the bees and the flowers and the trees” from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM at the Blue Ridge Community College, Plecker Center

b.    Registration required before October 1st

c.     For more information visit:

7.    Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.

August Announcements:


8.    Children’s Activities at the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park– Newport News, VA- 1st and 3rd Mondays, 10 AM, through August 19th


a.     Newport News Master Gardener Association will host various children’s activities in the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park, through the summer. Activities will be on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10 am. The Garden is always open when the Park is open.


September Announcements:


9.    Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 1

10. Hampton Roads 11th Annual Go Green Expo – Brittingham Midtown Community Center, Newport News – September 7th, 2019

a.     Family activities, lectures, green tech, plant sales and vendors as well as vermiculture, rain barrel and biochar workshops!

b.    10am to 3pm. Free admission. Food available for purchase.


October Announcements:

11. 2019 ESVMG MG Training Registration Open – October 2- November 13, January 15- February 26 – VA Tech Research Center, Painter, VA


a.     The Eastern Shore Master Gardener (ESVMG) Program is accepting applications for the 2019 Master Gardener training class.

b.    The classes will be held in Painter beginning October 2nd and continue every Wednesday from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. until November 13th, break for the holidays and then resume January 15-February 26.

c.     For more information and the application contact the Eastern Shore of Virginia Gardeners hotline at (757)-678-7946 ext.29, the web site, or e-mail

d.    Fee is $100 for materials and lectures by local experts.

12. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

13. ESVMG Garden Symposium– October 19th, 2019- Cheriton, VA

a.     The Eastern Shore of Virginia Master Gardeners (ESVMG) announces their second Garden Symposium which will offer lectures on a wide range of gardening topics by accomplished garden speakers. 

b.    The symposium will be held on Saturday, October 19, at the Cheriton Fire Station, 21334 Bayside Road. The daylong event begins at 8:00 am and includes five lectures, lunch and a lively raffle of local artisan items. 

c.     Topics include “The Landscape Revolution: Foodscaping with Natives,”  “The Landscape Revolution: Perennial Combinations,” “Make Your Garden Your Own” and more. 

d.    To read more about the upcoming event and download a registration form, go to  You can also contact ESVMG through email at for a registration form or call (757) 678-7946, ext. 29

14. Online Plant ID Classes– from Longwood Gardens and NC State- July 8th- October 31st

a.     Reduced fee for Extension Professionals so you can brush up on your plant ID skills and preview the classes to determine if they will be useful as advanced training opportunities for your volunteers.

                                              i.     Discount Code for Extension Master Gardener Volunteers & Master Naturalists – MASTER ($98 fee) = $97 discount

                                             ii.     Discount Code for Extension Professionals – AGENT ($50 fee) = $145 discount

b.    Course instructor, Preston Montague, is a landscape designer, educator and artist.  He has a bachelor's degree in horticulture and a master’s degree in landscape architecture, both from NC State.  He has experience teaching at NC State, NC A & T, and many botanical gardens in the region.

Other Announcements:

15. Follow the State Office on social media:

                                              i.     Facebook

                                             ii.     Instagram

                                           iii.     YouTube

16.  Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

17. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

18. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

19. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

20. Gardeners’ Survey –

21. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

22. Every Kid in a Park Program

23. Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31

24. Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive pest insect– found in Winchester, VA- January 2018

a.     For information regarding the quarantine please see attached flyer

25. eXtension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019

26. Biennial 2018 EMG Summary– from the Extension Master Gardener National Committee

a.     Data collected indicates there are 86,076 EMG volunteers throughout the United States and Washington, D.C, contributing 5.6 million hours educating the public, providing youth programming, and facilitating produce donated to local food banks.

b.    While this is only the beginning of the value EMGs provide in their communities each year, 2018 efforts are estimated to have contributed 140 million dollars in value to the general public. Our volunteers reported over 8.6 million contacts and continue to be the front line of Extension’s consumer horticulture efforts. Forty-six states participated in this report.


27. Basil Downy Mildew: Occurrence Monitoring and Info Website for Gardeners

a.     A new website, created by Margaret McGrath and the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University, on monitoring occurrence of downy mildew on basil in the US and Canada:

                                              i.     It maps occurrences and replaces them into a GoogleDocs spreadsheet since 2009. There is information about BDM at the website that is geared for gardeners. Gardeners have been the primary and most important reporters in helping with monitoring this disease.

b.    A handout for gardeners about reporting occurrences of BDM and 2 other important diseases: late blight and cucurbit downy mildew.


Biweekly Update – August 9, 2019

Biweekly Update – August 9, 2019

New Announcements:

1.    Master Gardener College Updates: September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

a.     Registration is open and more than 200 Extension Master Gardeners have already registered! View our registration information page.  Registration closes on August 30th! For more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

b.    Book your room at The Main before August 15th! (some nights have limited availability, so please check availability with The Main). Please note that we are sold out of rooms at the conference rate for Saturday night only. You can still get the conference rate for all other nights but will pay a higher rate for Saturday night only. Please call the hotel directly to book your room. Booking online will result in inaccurate rates being assessed for your reservation. The direct number for The Main is 757-763-6200.

2.    Submit a Digital Brag Board for EMG College!

a.     Visit for guidelines and online submission form. Any unit may submit a digital brag board for display!

3.    Super Turf Saturday- James City County Rec Center on Longhill Road- August 10th

a.     In partnership with the VCE James City County/Williamsburg Master Gardener chapter, the Colonial Soil and Water Conservation District is hosting Super Turf Saturday on Saturday, August 10th from 8:30am – 1:00pm.

b.    This event is geared towards homeowners who are interested in learning more about how to maintain their lawns in an environmentally-sensitive manner.

c.     The event is free but registration is encouraged. Topics covered will include: “Growing Healthy Turf in Hampton Roads,” “Controlling Common Lawn Weeds,” and “Using Compost for Better Soil Management.”

4.    PMG 30th Anniversary Event : “The Future of Landscapes in a Changing Environment”– Paramount Theater, Charlottesville, VA- September 8, 2019

a.     A celebration of the association’s 30 years of helping the people of Charlottesville and Albemarle County solve horticultural questions and adopt sustainable, science-based practices, the pre-event begins at 3:00 pm with opportunities to visit a children’s poster display and vendor booths and to enjoy concessions.

b.    The formal program begins at 4:00 pm and runs until 6:30 pm. and includes a panel discussion led Frank Reilly of the J. Reilly of The Reilly Group; a presentation by Dennis Dimick, former picture and environmental editor for the National Geographic; and, a presentation by Jeremy S. Hoffman, climate and earth scientist at the Science Museum of Virginia.

c.     The Piedmont Master Gardeners Association and Virginia Cooperative Extension are sponsoring a poster contest as part of The Future of Our Landscapes in a Changing Environment event

                                              i.     Open to any Charlottesville and Albemarle County public, private or home school students in grades 5-12. For further information about poster and submission guidelines, please visit

                                             ii.     Entry forms due August 30th

5.    Waynesboro Tree Workshop “Reveling in the Magnificence of Trees”- Pembroke, VA – September 13, 2019

a.     Registration now open!

b.    For questions or inquiries contact:

                                              i.     Becky Woodson at (434)-220-9024 or

6.    2019 Master Composter Course– ONLINE – September 13th – November 1st

a.     Registration Deadline– September 11th

b.    100% Live Online-Topics Include: Soil and Decomposition Ecology, Biology of Composting, , Recipe Design, Disease Control, Site and Container Selection, VT Act 148, Managing the Compost Process, Troubleshooting, Educational Outreach, Worm Composting

c.     This course is also available to out-of-state residents 

7.    Central Shenandoah Valley Garden Symposium– Weyers Cave, Virginia- October 19

a.     “Going Native: Let me tell you about the bees and the flowers and the trees” from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM at the Blue Ridge Community College, Plecker Center

b.    Registration required before October 1st

c.     For more information visit:

8.    Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.

August Announcements:

9.    Master Gardener College Scholarship for 2019Deadline for applications August 9th.

a.     (VMGA) Diane Relf Master Gardener College Scholarship Application Form

b.    Scholarship Application Process

c.     Scholarship Nomination Guidelines

d.    Scholarship Nomination Rules and Guidelines

10. Children’s Activities at the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park– Newport News, VA- 1st and 3rd Mondays, 10 AM, through August 19th


a.     Newport News Master Gardener Association will host various children’s activities in the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park, through the summer. Activities will be on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10 am. The Garden is always open when the Park is open.


September Announcements:

11. Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 1

12. Hampton Roads 11th Annual Go Green Expo – Brittingham Midtown Community Center, Newport News – September 7th, 2019

a.     Family activities, lectures, green tech, plant sales and vendors as well as vermiculture, rain barrel and biochar workshops!

b.    10am to 3pm. Free admission. Food available for purchase.


October Announcements:

13. 2019 ESVMG MG Training Registration Open – October 2- November 13, January 15- February 26 – VA Tech Research Center, Painter, VA


a.     The Eastern Shore Master Gardener (ESVMG) Program is accepting applications for the 2019 Master Gardener training class.

b.    The classes will be held in Painter beginning October 2nd and continue every Wednesday from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. until November 13th, break for the holidays and then resume January 15-February 26.

c.     For more information and the application contact the Eastern Shore of Virginia Gardeners hotline at (757)-678-7946 ext.29, the web site, or e-mail

d.    Fee is $100 for materials and lectures by local experts.

14. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

15. ESVMG Garden Symposium– October 19th, 2019- Cheriton, VA

a.     The Eastern Shore of Virginia Master Gardeners (ESVMG) announces their second Garden Symposium which will offer lectures on a wide range of gardening topics by accomplished garden speakers. 

b.    The symposium will be held on Saturday, October 19, at the Cheriton Fire Station, 21334 Bayside Road. The daylong event begins at 8:00 am and includes five lectures, lunch and a lively raffle of local artisan items. 

c.     Topics include “The Landscape Revolution: Foodscaping with Natives,”  “The Landscape Revolution: Perennial Combinations,” “Make Your Garden Your Own” and more. 

d.    To read more about the upcoming event and download a registration form, go to  You can also contact ESVMG through email at for a registration form or call (757) 678-7946, ext. 29

16. Online Plant ID Classes– from Longwood Gardens and NC State- July 8th- October 31st

a.     Reduced fee for Extension Professionals so you can brush up on your plant ID skills and preview the classes to determine if they will be useful as advanced training opportunities for your volunteers.

                                              i.     Discount Code for Extension Master Gardener Volunteers & Master Naturalists – MASTER ($98 fee) = $97 discount

                                             ii.     Discount Code for Extension Professionals – AGENT ($50 fee) = $145 discount

b.    Course instructor, Preston Montague, is a landscape designer, educator and artist.  He has a bachelor's degree in horticulture and a master’s degree in landscape architecture, both from NC State.  He has experience teaching at NC State, NC A & T, and many botanical gardens in the region.

Other Announcements:

17. Follow the State Office on social media:

                                              i.     Facebook

                                             ii.     Instagram

                                           iii.     YouTube

18.  Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

19. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

20. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

21. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

22. Gardeners’ Survey –

23. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

24. Every Kid in a Park Program

25. Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31

26. Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive pest insect– found in Winchester, VA- January 2018

a.     For information regarding the quarantine please see attached flyer

27. eXtension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019

28. Biennial 2018 EMG Summary– from the Extension Master Gardener National Committee

a.     Data collected indicates there are 86,076 EMG volunteers throughout the United States and Washington, D.C, contributing 5.6 million hours educating the public, providing youth programming, and facilitating produce donated to local food banks.

b.    While this is only the beginning of the value EMGs provide in their communities each year, 2018 efforts are estimated to have contributed 140 million dollars in value to the general public. Our volunteers reported over 8.6 million contacts and continue to be the front line of Extension’s consumer horticulture efforts. Forty-six states participated in this report.


29. Basil Downy Mildew: Occurrence Monitoring and Info Website for Gardeners

a.     A new website, created by Margaret McGrath and the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University, on monitoring occurrence of downy mildew on basil in the US and Canada:

                                              i.     It maps occurrences and replaces them into a GoogleDocs spreadsheet since 2009. There is information about BDM at the website that is geared for gardeners. Gardeners have been the primary and most important reporters in helping with monitoring this disease.

b.    A handout for gardeners about reporting occurrences of BDM and 2 other important diseases: late blight and cucurbit downy mildew.


Biweekly Update – July 25, 2019

Biweekly Update – July 25, 2019

New Announcements:

1.    Master Gardener College Updates: September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

a.     Registration is open and more than 200 Extension Master Gardeners have already registered! View our registration information page.  Registration closes on August 30th! For more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

b.    Book your room at The Main before August 15th! (some nights have limited availability, so please check availability with The Main). Please note that we are sold out of rooms at the conference rate for Saturday night only. You can still get the conference rate for all other nights but will pay a higher rate for Saturday night only. Please call the hotel directly to book your room. Booking online will result in inaccurate rates being assessed for your reservation. The direct number for The Main is 757-763-6200.

2.    Submit a Digital Brag Board for EMG College!

a.     Visit for guidelines and online submission form. Any unit may submit a digital brag board for display!

3.    Biennial 2018 EMG Summary– from the Extension Master Gardener National Committee

a.     Data collected indicates there are 86,076 EMG volunteers throughout the United States and Washington, D.C, contributing 5.6 million hours educating the public, providing youth programming, and facilitating produce donated to local food banks.

b.    While this is only the beginning of the value EMGs provide in their communities each year, 2018 efforts are estimated to have contributed 140 million dollars in value to the general public. Our volunteers reported over 8.6 million contacts and continue to be the front line of Extension’s consumer horticulture efforts. Forty-six states participated in this report.

4.    Hampton Roads 11th Annual Go Green Expo – Brittingham Midtown Community Center, Newport News – September 7th, 2019

a.     Family activities, lectures, green tech, plant sales and vendors as well as vermiculture, rain barrel and biochar workshops!

b.    10am to 3pm. Free admission. Food available for purchase.

5.    Waynesboro Tree Workshop “Reveling in the Magnificence of Trees”- Pembroke, VA – September 13, 2019

a.     Registration will open soon!

b.    For questions or inquiries contact:

                                              i.     Becky Woodson at (434)-220-9024 or


6.    2019 ESVMG MG Training Registration Open – October 2- November 13, January 15- February 26 – VA Tech Research Center, Painter, VA


a.     The Eastern Shore Master Gardener (ESVMG) Program is accepting applications for the 2019 Master Gardener training class.

b.    The classes will be held in Painter beginning October 2nd and continue every Wednesday from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. until November 13th, break for the holidays and then resume January 15-February 26.

c.     For more information and the application contact the Eastern Shore of Virginia Gardeners hotline at (757)-678-7946 ext.29, the web site, or e-mail

d.    Fee is $100 for materials and lectures by local experts.

7.    ESVMG Garden Symposium– October 19th, 2019- Cheriton, VA

a.     The Eastern Shore of Virginia Master Gardeners (ESVMG) announces their second Garden Symposium which will offer lectures on a wide range of gardening topics by accomplished garden speakers. 

b.    The symposium will be held on Saturday, October 19, at the Cheriton Fire Station, 21334 Bayside Road. The daylong event begins at 8:00 am and includes five lectures, lunch and a lively raffle of local artisan items. 

c.     Topics include “The Landscape Revolution: Foodscaping with Natives,”  “The Landscape Revolution: Perennial Combinations,” “Make Your Garden Your Own” and more. 

d.    To read more about the upcoming event and download a registration form, go to  You can also contact ESVMG through email at for a registration form or call (757) 678-7946, ext. 29


8.    Basil Downy Mildew: Occurrence Monitoring and Info Website for Gardeners

a.     A new website, created by Margaret McGrath and the School of Integrative Plant Science at Cornell University, on monitoring occurrence of downy mildew on basil in the US and Canada:

                                              i.     It maps occurrences and replaces them into a GoogleDocs spreadsheet since 2009. There is information about BDM at the website that is geared for gardeners. Gardeners have been the primary and most important reporters in helping with monitoring this disease.

b.    A handout for gardeners about reporting occurrences of BDM and 2 other important diseases: late blight and cucurbit downy mildew.

9.    Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.


July Announcements:

10. Online Plant ID Classes– from Longwood Gardens and NC State- July 8th- October 31st

a.     Reduced fee for Extension Professionals so you can brush up on your plant ID skills and preview the classes to determine if they will be useful as advanced training opportunities for your volunteers.

                                              i.     Discount Code for Extension Master Gardener Volunteers & Master Naturalists – MASTER ($98 fee) = $97 discount

                                             ii.     Discount Code for Extension Professionals – AGENT ($50 fee) = $145 discount

b.    Course instructor, Preston Montague, is a landscape designer, educator and artist.  He has a bachelor's degree in horticulture and a master’s degree in landscape architecture, both from NC State.  He has experience teaching at NC State, NC A & T, and many botanical gardens in the region.

August Announcements:

11. Newport News MG Training Class– Newport, VA – Apply BY August 1st. 


a.     The Newport News Master Gardener Association is currently accepting applications for its' 2019 Training Class! Become part of our educational programs and events. No experience necessary! Choose day OR evening classes, beginning in the Fall.

b.    Apply BY August 1st. or call our Help Desk 757-591-4838 with questions.

12. Master Gardener College Scholarship for 2019Deadline for applications August 9th.

a.     (VMGA) Diane Relf Master Gardener College Scholarship Application Form

b.    Scholarship Application Process

c.     Scholarship Nomination Guidelines

d.    Scholarship Nomination Rules and Guidelines

13. Children’s Activities at the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park– Newport News, VA- 1st and 3rd Mondays, 10 AM, through August 19th


a.     Newport News Master Gardener Association will host various children’s activities in the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park, through the summer. Activities will be on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10 am. The Garden is always open when the Park is open.


September Announcements:

14. Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 1

15. PMG 30th Anniversary Event : “The Future of Landscapes in a Changing Environment”– Paramount Theater, Charlottesville, VA- September 8, 2019

a.     The Piedmont Master Gardeners Association and Virginia Cooperative Extension are sponsoring a poster contest as part of The Future of Our Landscapes in a Changing Environment event

b.    Entry forms due August 30th


October Announcements:

16. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

Other Announcements:

17. Follow the State Office on social media:

                                              i.     Facebook

                                             ii.     Instagram

                                           iii.     YouTube

18.  Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

19. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

20. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

21. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

22. Gardeners’ Survey –

23. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

24. Every Kid in a Park Program

25. Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31

26. Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive pest insect– found in Winchester, VA- January 2018

a.     For information regarding the quarantine please see attached flyer

27. eXtension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019


Biweekly Update – July 9, 2019

New Announcements:

1.    Master Gardener College Updates: September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

a.     Registration is open and more than 200 Extension Master Gardeners have already registered! View our registration information page.  Advance registration ends on July 14th so register today! Also, registration costs increase on July 15th and we open registration up to the public for one-day public registration which will be Saturday, September 21st. For more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

b.    Room block information available! Book your room at The Main now! (some nights have limited availability, so please check availability with The Main). Please note that we are sold out of rooms at the conference rate for Saturday night only. You can still get the conference rate for all other nights but will pay a higher rate for Saturday night only. Please call the hotel directly to book your room. Booking online will result in inaccurate rates being assessed for your reservation. The direct number for The Main is 757-763-6200.

2.    Master Gardener College Scholarship for 2019Deadline for applications August 9th.

a.     (VMGA) Diane Relf Master Gardener College Scholarship Application Form

b.    Scholarship Application Process

c.     Scholarship Nomination Guidelines

d.    Scholarship Nomination Rules and Guidelines


3.    Submit a Digital Brag Board for EMG College!

a.     Visit for guidelines and online submission form. Any unit may submit a digital brag board for display!


4.    Newport News MG Training Class– Newport, VA – Apply BY August 1st. 


a.     The Newport News Master Gardener Association is currently accepting applications for its' 2019 Training Class! Become part of our educational programs and events. No experience necessary! Choose day OR evening classes, beginning in the Fall.

b.    Apply BY August 1st. or call our Help Desk 757-591-4838 with questions.


5.    Children’s Activities at the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park– Newport News, VA- 1st and 3rd Mondays, 10 AM, through August 19th


a.     Newport News Master Gardener Association will host various children’s activities in the Grin & Grow Learning Garden at Riverview Farm Park, through the summer. Activities will be on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10 am. The Garden is always open when the Park is open.

6.    Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.


July Announcements:

7.    Wildlife Gardening with the Humane Gardener – Bristow, VA – July 13, 2019

8.     Cullowhee Native Plant Conference – Western Carolina University – July 17-20, 2019

9.    Online Plant ID Classes– from Longwood Gardens and NC State- July 8th- October 31st

a.     Reduced fee for Extension Professionals so you can brush up on your plant ID skills and preview the classes to determine if they will be useful as advanced training opportunities for your volunteers.

                                              i.     Discount Code for Extension Master Gardener Volunteers & Master Naturalists – MASTER ($98 fee) = $97 discount

                                             ii.     Discount Code for Extension Professionals – AGENT ($50 fee) = $145 discount

b.    Course instructor, Preston Montague, is a landscape designer, educator and artist.  He has a bachelor's degree in horticulture and a master’s degree in landscape architecture, both from NC State.  He has experience teaching at NC State, NC A & T, and many botanical gardens in the region.


10. The American Horticultural Society’s National Children & Youth Garden Symposium- University of Wisconsin, Madison in Madison, Wisconsin – July 10th-13th

11. 2019 Strengthening your Facilitation Skills Trainings – May 9 – July 18


September Announcements:

12. Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 1

October Announcements:

13. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

Other Announcements:

14. Follow the State Office on social media:

                                              i.     Facebook

                                             ii.     Instagram

                                           iii.     YouTube

15.  Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

16. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

17. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

18. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

19. Gardeners’ Survey –

20. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

21. Every Kid in a Park Program

22. Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31

23. Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive pest insect– found in Winchester, VA- January 2018

a.     For information regarding the quarantine please see attached flyer

24. eXtension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019

Biweekly Update – June 4, 2019

Biweekly Update – June 4, 2019

New Announcements:

1.    Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.

2.    Master Gardener College Updates: September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

a)    Registration is open! View our registration information page. For more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

b)    Room block information available! Book your room at The Main now!

3.    Master Gardener Scholarship for 2019– Deadline for applications August 9th

a.     (VMGA) Diane Relf Master Gardener College Scholarship Application Form

b.    Scholarship Application Process

c.     Scholarship Nomination Guidelines

d.    Scholarship Nomination Rules and Guidelines

4.    Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive pest insect– found in Winchester, Va- January 2018

a.     For information regarding the quarantine please see attached flyer

5.    Get to Know Insects Series– at the Greensville/Emporia Extension Office- June 24, 2019

a. Beneficial Insects- Learn about beneficial insects and pollinators including native bees and butterflies. Learn what to do and what to plant to attract them. This class is free.

b. Registration closes 5 business days prior to the class.

Call (434) 348-4223 to sign up.

6.    Online Plant ID Classes– from Longwood Gardens and NC State- July 8th- October 31st

a.     Reduced fee for Extension Professionals so you can brush up on your plant ID skills and preview the classes to determine if they will be useful as advanced training opportunities for your volunteers.

                                              i.     Discount Code for Extension Master Gardener Volunteers & Master Naturalists – MASTER ($98 fee) = $97 discount

                                             ii.     Discount Code for Extension Professionals – AGENT ($50 fee) = $145 discount

b.    Course instructor, Preston Montague, is a landscape designer, educator and artist.  He has a bachelor's degree in horticulture and a master’s degree in landscape architecture, both from NC State.  He has experience teaching at NC State, NC A & T, and many botanical gardens in the region.

7.    The American Horticultural Society’s National Children & Youth Garden Symposium- University of Wisconsin, Madison in Madison, Wisconsin – July 10th-13th

May Announcements:

1.    2019 Tree and Shrub Identification Series – Stafford, VA – May 2-June 6, 2019

2.    2019 Strengthening your Facilitation Skills Trainings – May 9 – July 18

3.    Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 1

4.    eXtension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019

June Announcements:

5.    Strategic & Project Planning: Becoming Agents of Change – June 5 – September 11, 2019

6.    Celebrate Pollinator Weed with the Capital Naturalist! – Bristow, VA – June 8, 2019

7.    NC State Extension Master Gardener College – Raleigh, NC – June 6 – 9, 2019

8.    Are you attending International Master Gardener College 2019 in Valley Forge, PA June 17-21? Let VMGA know!

9.     Monticello | UVA 23rd Annual Historic Landscape Institute, “Preserving Jefferson’s Gardens and Landscapes” – June 23-28, 2019

a.     This one-week course uses Monticello and the University of Virginia as outdoor classrooms to study historic landscape preservation.

b.    Preserving Jefferson’s Gardens and Landscapes Flyer



July Announcements:

10. NRV Garden Tour – Blacksburg/Christiansburg, VA – July 6, 2019

a.     9 am until 5 pm

Featuring 7 gardens in the Blacksburg/Christiansburg area

Tickets on sale at local libraries – June 1

11. Wildlife Gardening with the Humane Gardener – Bristow, VA – July 13, 2019

12.  Cullowhee Native Plant Conference – Western Carolina University – July 17-20, 2019

October Announcements:

13. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

Other Announcements:

14. Follow the State Office on social media:




15.  Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

16. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

17. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

18. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

19. Gardeners’ Survey –

20. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

21. Every Kid in a Park Program

c)    Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31 of the school year.”

Biweekly Update – April 18, 2019

Biweekly Update – April 18, 2019

New Announcements:

  1.  Lewis Ginter BG Richmond Spring Plantfest – Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens – May 3-4
    1. Plants grown by Volunteers, plus 50+ vendors with plants, crafts and plant related items
  2. Public Education Events – Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia – April 2019
  3. 2019 Digital Brag Board Submissions by August 12, 2019
  4. Getting to know Insects Series: Insect Identification and Integrated Pest Management – Greensville/Emporia Extension Office – June 22, 2019
    1. 105 Oak St. Emporia, VA 23847
  5. VCE Master Gardener Program 2019 Webinar Schedule

April Announcements:

  1.  Horticultural Horizons – Chesterfield County, VA – April 30, 2019
    1. Registration Form
  2.  2019 New Mini-Grant Application Guidelines – due April 26, 2019
    1. Please talk to your Agent or Coordinator directly if you are interested in looking at these grants.
  3.  Chesapeake Master Gardener Volunteers’ 2019 Annual Plant Sale – Chesapeake, VA – April 26-27, 2019
  4.  2019 Sustainable Urban Agriculture Certificate Program – April-June 1, 2019
  5. Goochland Powhatan Master Gardeners Association 15th Annual Spring Garden Fest – April 27th, 2019
    1. “Not only is the event a fun, free festival, but attendees can also participate in a full day of classes and tours for a one-time $20 registration fee. Classes, tours, and workshops fill up quickly, so register early for the best selection.  Complete descriptions and online registration is available at”  
  6. 4th Virginia Urban Agriculture Summit – Virginia Beach, VA – April 23-25

May Announcements:

  1.  VMGA Education Day at Virginia Western Community College – Roanoke, VA – May 4, 2019 – Deadline for registration is April 24th 9am-4pm – $18 VMGA members, $33 non-members
  2.  Piedmont Master Gardeners and Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards Annual Sale – Charlottesville, VA – May 4, 2019
    1. Flyer: Click Here!
  3. Western Tidewater Master Gardeners Plant Sale  – Carrollton, VA – May 4, 2019 – 9am – 1pm
  4. Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 14
  5. 19th Festival of Gardening – Lynchburg, VA – May 4, 2019
  6. NRV Master Gardener Plant Sale – Christiansburg, VA – May 11, 2019
    1. 9 am until 3 pm

Montgomery County Government Center

755 Roanoke St.

Christiansburg, Va. 24073

  1. 2019 Tree and Shrub Identification Series – Stafford, VA – May 2-June 6, 2019
  2. Spring Plant Sale: Nelson County Master Gardeners – Roseland, VA – May 5, 2019, Devil’s Backbone Basecamp Brewpub & Meadows, 200 Mosbys Run, Roseland, VA 22967
    1. “The Master Gardeners of Nelson County are having their 19th Annual Spring Plant Sale on Sunday May 5th. We think you’ll agree that it’s worth the drive down scenic 151 to peruse | shop the wide selection of plants. While here, we invite you to stroll through our Pollinator Garden located on the Devil’s Backbone premises. Our plant sale flyer is attached to this message. Hope to see you on May 5th
  3. Norfolk EMG Plant Sale – “Join Norfolk Master Gardeners on May 18-19 at the Stockley Gardens Arts Festival for our annual Plant Sale!”

June Announcements:

  1.  Monticello | UVA 23rd Annual Historic Landscape Institute, “Preserving Jefferson’s Gardens and Landscapes” – June 23-28, 2019
    1. This one-week course uses Monticello and the University of Virginia as outdoor classrooms to study historic landscape preservation.
  2. International Master Gardener College 2019 – Valley Forge, PA – June 17-21 
  3. NRV Garden Tour – Blacksburg/Christiansburg, VA – July 6, 2019
    1. 9 am until 5 pm

Featuring 7 gardens in the Blacksburg/Christiansburg area

Tickets on sale at local libraries – June 1

  1. Nurturing Native Plants – Natural Bridge, VA – June 1, 2019
  2. NC State Extension Master Gardener College – Raleigh, NC – June 6 – 9, 2019

July Announcements:

  1.  Cullowhee Native Plant Conference – Western Carolina University – July 17-20, 2019

October Announcements:

  1. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

February Announcements:

  1. Extension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019

Other Announcements:

  1. Follow the State Office on social media:




  1. Save the date for 2019 Master Gardener College!

September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

  1. Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  
  2. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions
  3. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here
  4. Master Gardener College Updates:

a)       Room block information available! Book your room at The Main now! View our registration information page for more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

  1. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter
  2. Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.
  3. Gardeners’ Survey –
  4. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!
  5. Every Kid in a Park Program

b)      Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31 of the school year.”

Biweekly Update – May 3, 2019

Biweekly Update – May 3, 2019

New Announcements:

1.      Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.

2.      Celebrate Pollinator Week with the Capital Naturalist! – Bristow, VA – June 8, 2019

3.      Wildlife Gardening with the Humane Gardener – Bristow, VA – July 13, 2019

4.      Plant Sale – Rockbridge  Area Master Gardeners – May 18

5.      Strategic & Project Planning: Becoming Agents of Change – June 5 – September 11, 2019

6.      2019 Strengthening your Facilitation Skills Trainings – May 9 – July 18

May Announcements:

7.       VMGA Education Day at Virginia Western Community College – Roanoke, VA – May 4, 2019 – Deadline for registration is April 24th 9am-4pm – $18 VMGA members, $33 non-members

8.       Piedmont Master Gardeners and Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards Annual Sale – Charlottesville, VA – May 4, 2019

a.      Flyer: Click Here!

9.      Western Tidewater Master Gardeners Plant Sale  – Carrollton, VA – May 4, 2019 – 9am – 1pm

10. Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 1

11. 2019 Sustainable Urban Agriculture Certificate Program – March 9-June 1, 2019

12. 2019 Tree and Shrub Identification Series – Stafford, VA – May 2-June 6, 2019

13.  Norfolk EMG Plant Sale – “Join Norfolk Master Gardeners on May 18-19 at the Stockley Gardens Arts Festival for our annual Plant Sale!”

14. Extension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019


15. Spring Plant Sale: Nelson County Master Gardeners – Roseland, VA – May 5, 2019, Devil’s Backbone Basecamp Brewpub & Meadows, 200 Mosbys Run, Roseland, VA 22967

a.      “The Master Gardeners of Nelson County are having their 19th Annual Spring Plant Sale on Sunday May 5th. We think you’ll agree that it’s worth the drive down scenic 151 to peruse | shop the wide selection of plants. While here, we invite you to stroll through our Pollinator Garden located on the Devil’s Backbone premises. Our plant sale flyer is attached to this message. Hope to see you on May 5th

16. NRV Master Gardener Plant Sale – Christiansburg, VA – May 11, 2019

a.      9 am until 3 pm

Montgomery County Government Center

755 Roanoke St.

Christiansburg, Va. 24073

June Announcements:

17.  Monticello | UVA 23rd Annual Historic Landscape Institute, “Preserving Jefferson’s Gardens and Landscapes” – June 23-28, 2019

a.      This one-week course uses Monticello and the University of Virginia as outdoor classrooms to study historic landscape preservation.


18. Are you attending International Master Gardener College 2019 in Valley Forge, PA June 17-21? Let VMGA know!

19. Nurturing Native Plants – Natural Bridge, VA – June 1, 2019

20. NC State Extension Master Gardener College – Raleigh, NC – June 6 – 9, 2019


July Announcements:

21.  Cullowhee Native Plant Conference – Western Carolina University – July 17-20, 2019

22. NRV Garden Tour – Blacksburg/Christiansburg, VA – July 6, 2019

a.      9 am until 5 pm

Featuring 7 gardens in the Blacksburg/Christiansburg area

Tickets on sale at local libraries – June 1

October Announcements:

23. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

Other Announcements:

24. Follow the State Office on social media:

·        Facebook

·        Instagram

·        YouTube

25. Save the date for 2019 Master Gardener College!

September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

26. . Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

27. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

28. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

29. Master Gardener College Updates:

a)      Room block information available! Book your room at The Main now! View our registration information page for more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

30. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

31. Gardeners’ Survey –

32. Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

33. Every Kid in a Park Program

Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31 of the school year.”

Biweekly Update – April 3, 2019

New Announcements:

1.    Biweekly Update Submission form – Please use this form for submitting future biweekly update items. Due to staffing limitations through the summer of 2019, submissions sent through email could be missed.

2.    Piedmont Master Gardeners Through the Garden Gate – Charlottesville-Albemarle County – May 11-September 14

3.    19th Festival of Gardening – Lynchburg, VA – May 4, 2019

4.    NRV Master Gardener Plant Sale – Christiansburg, VA – May 11, 2019

a.     9 am until 3 pm

Montgomery County Government Center

755 Roanoke St.

Christiansburg, Va. 24073

5.    NRV Garden Tour – Blacksburg/Christiansburg, VA – July 6, 2019

a.     9 am until 5 pm

Featuring 7 gardens in the Blacksburg/Christiansburg area

Tickets on sale at local libraries – June 1

6.    Gardeners’ Survey –

7.    Visit the VCE Lawn and Garden Calendar!

8.    “The Mysteries of the Marvelous Monarch” – Charlottesville, VA – April 4, 2019

9.    2019 Tree and Shrub Identification Series – Stafford, VA – May 2-June 6, 2019

10. Suffolk Master Gardener Association Annual Spring Plant Sale – Suffolk, VA – April 27, 2019

a.     April 27, 2019

Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church

3488 Godwin Blvd, Suffolk, VA 23434

10:00 – 2:00

11.  Nurturing Native Plants – Natural Bridge, VA – June 1, 2019

12.  NC State Extension Master Gardener College – Raleigh, NC – June 6 – 9, 2019

13. Spring Plant Sale: Nelson County Master Gardeners – Roseland, VA – May 5, 2019, Devil’s Backbone Basecamp Brewpub & Meadows, 200 Mosbys Run, Roseland, VA 22967

a.     “The Master Gardeners of Nelson County are having their 19th Annual Spring Plant Sale on Sunday May 5th. We think you’ll agree that it’s worth the drive down scenic 151 to peruse | shop the wide selection of plants. While here, we invite you to stroll through our Pollinator Garden located on the Devil’s Backbone premises. Our plant sale flyer is attached to this message. Hope to see you on May 5th

14.  Norfolk EMG Plant Sale – “Join Norfolk Master Gardeners on May 18-19 at the Stockley Gardens Arts Festival for our annual Plant Sale!”

April Announcements:

15.  Horticultural Horizons – Chesterfield County, VA – April 30, 2019

a.     Registration Form

16.  Mid-Atlantic Garden Faire – Abingdon, VA – April 19 & 20

a.     See for details

17.  Spring Symposium: Wild about Natives – Fredericksburg, VA – April 13, 2019

18.  2019 New Mini-Grant Application Guidelines – due April 26, 2019

a.     Please talk to your Agent or Coordinator directly if you are interested in looking at these grants.

19.  Chesapeake Master Gardener Volunteers’ 2019 Annual Plant Sale – Chesapeake, VA – April 26-27, 2019

20.  2019 Sustainable Urban Agriculture Certificate Program – March 9-June 1, 2019

21. Extension Good and Bad bugs webinar series – Feb 1 – Dec 6, 2019


22.  2019 Sustainable Urban Agriculture Certificate Program – March 9-June 1, 2019

23. Goochland Powhatan Master Gardeners Association 15th Annual Spring Garden Fest – April 27th, 2019

a.     “Not only is the event a fun, free festival, but attendees can also participate in a full day of classes and tours for a one-time $20 registration fee. Classes, tours, and workshops fill up quickly, so register early for the best selection.  Complete descriptions and online registration is available at”  

24. 4th Virginia Urban Agriculture Summit – Virginia Beach, VA – April 23-25

25. 2019 Virginia Agritourism Conference – Hotel Roanoke – Roanoke, VA – Wednesday, April 3, and Thursday, April 4, 2019

a.     More info

b.    Register online select the 2019 conference

26.   4th Virginia Urban Agriculture Summit Call for Abstracts


May Announcements:

27.  VMGA Education Day at Virginia Western Community College – Roanoke, VA – May 4, 2019 – Deadline for registration is April 24th 9am-4pm – $18 VMGA members, $33 non-members

28.  Piedmont Master Gardeners and Charlottesville Area Tree Stewards Annual Sale – Charlottesville, VA – May 4, 2019

a.     Flyer: Click Here!

29. Western Tidewater Master Gardeners Plant Sale  – Carrollton, VA – May 4, 2019 – 9am – 1pm


June Announcements:

30.  Monticello | UVA 23rd Annual Historic Landscape Institute, “Preserving Jefferson’s Gardens and Landscapes” – June 23-28, 2019

a.     This one-week course uses Monticello and the University of Virginia as outdoor classrooms to study historic landscape preservation.


31. Are you attending International Master Gardener College 2019 in Valley Forge, PA June 17-21? Let VMGA know!


July Announcements:

32.  Cullowhee Native Plant Conference – Western Carolina University – July 17-20, 2019


October Announcements:

33. Save the Date: Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes – Cincinnati, Ohio – October 7-9, 2019

Other Announcements:

34. Follow the State Office on social media:

·      Facebook

·      Instagram

·      YouTube

35. Save the date for 2019 Master Gardener College!

September 19-22, 2019, Norfolk, Virginia

36. . Resources for fertilization of lawns and for those involved with Healthy Virginia Lawns programming  

37. Do you have questions coming in to your Extension Master Gardener program and need to find some answers? Extension Search Resources for EMG Questions

38. Registration now open for online Plant Identification Classes by Longwood Gardens and NC State – Click Here

39. Master Gardener College Updates:

b)    Room block information available! Book your room at The Main now! View our registration information page for more information on booking your accommodations (scroll down to “Accommodation Costs”).

40. An update from National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture: 2018 accomplishments letter

41. Every Kid in a Park Program

c)    Information from Chad Proudfoot, 4H“The program is very simple: every 4th grade student (or home school equivalent) in the United States is entitled to get one Every Kid in a Park pass which lasts through August 31 of the school year.”