Biweekly Update – February 27

New Announcements  


1.    2025 Extension Master Gardener College Save the Date: June 10-15 in Blacksburg! 

2.    Continuing Education Survey: Take this quick survey to give us some information about your Continuing Education needs: EMG CE Survey 

3.    Allium leafminer – Participate in a citizen science project to monitor the spread of this new pest of alliums! 

4.    State EMG Office CE Webinar Series 

·         March 11, 1:00 pm | Sustainable Vegetable Production with Ashley Jernigan: This session will cover management practices that affect the soil biological processes necessary for sustainable crop production, with a focus on nutrient management and soil disturbance. It will also explore soil biological communities, their role in plant growth, and how you can assess soil biological health. Register for the March 11 webinar here 

·         April 7, 2:00 pm | Horticultural Therapy & Therapeutic Horticulture: Definitions & Examples of Practice with Leah Diehl: Leah Diehl, Director of Therapeutic Horticulture at Wilmot Botanical Gardens and Lecturer in the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florida will discuss horticultural therapy. Register for the April 7 webinar here 

·         All webinars are recorded and posted in the webinar archive 

5.    Northern Neck Master Gardeners 31st annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar – March 29, 2025 – Church of the Nazarene, 57 Whisk Dr., White Stone, VA 22578 – More info on the Norhtern Neck event in the flyer here 

·         Mark the date, note the location, and get ready for it: the Northern Neck Master Gardener’s 31st annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar (GNN) 2025 returns to White Stone Church of the Nazarene on March 29, 2025! Come for the camaraderie with fellow gardeners, come for the legendary homemade goodies at the hospitality table, come for the information from fantastic speakers, and lastly, the Marketplace with stunning yard art selected just for the event!   

This year’s theme, “Gardeners: Caretakers of the Environment” will entice with information on fabulous plants that make a huge impact and emphasize the importance of creating a garden that encourages biodiversity. 

The three renowned speakers are: Dan Benarcik, of Chanticleer Garden, who will share with us the 25 plants that he could not garden without; Alyssa Morel-Ford will teach us how to welcome fireflies and other wonderful guests to our gardens; and Peggy Singlemann, host of the television series Virginia Home Grown, will present “Connecting the Garden to our Environment.” 

Michelle Kramer, Northern Neck Master Gardener president, states she is excited by the outstanding speaker lineup and about the NNMGs taking part in the Marketplace by offering both plants and yard art for the first time.The funds GNN raises will be given out to local students for 4-H and college scholarships. New this year is the Diane Kean scholarship in honor of a beloved Northern Neck Master Gardener who we lost in 2024.  

The seminar fee is $50. Lunches will be available for an additional fee. Registration forms will be available February 1 at 

6.    Winter Webinar: Connections with VA State Agencies – DWR and DCR – March 5, 9:30am – More info on the Goochland-Powhatan webinar in flyer here 

·         Topic: Connections with VA State Agencies – DWR and DCR Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardeners Association would like to invite you to join our 2025 Winter Webinar to be held on March 5, 2025 from 9:30-noon. This year, the focus is on learning more about the valuable information and services that our VA State Agencies provide for gardeners and how we may support the work they do. Our speakers are Kevin Heffernan from the VA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Stephen Living from the VA Department of Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR). You can find more information on the attached flier. Registration link: 

7.    Suffolk EMG Plant Sale at the Earth & Arts Festival – April 26, 2025 – Historic Downtown Suffolk – Suffolk’s EMG plant sale is again part of the Suffolk Earth & Arts Festival. Volunteers will have an assortment of native perennials & shrubs, ready-to-plant vegetables, fruits, and herbs, and a variety of other perennials, annuals, and trees to add to your garden at reasonable prices. A free native tree giveaway is planned, along with an Ask a Master Gardener booth and recycled garden tools sale. Proceeds support VCE MG programming in the City of Suffolk. 

8.    Plant Communities Large and Small – March 20, 2025 6-8:30pm – VMGA Spring 2025 Continuing Education – More info on the VMGA CE webinar here 

·         Speakers:  
Maddie Bright is the Executive Director at Earth Sangha where she has worked full-time on native plant conservation since 2011. Bright has worked closely with ecologists, botanists, and park managers across the Northern Virginia region on plant conservation and ecological restoration projects over the years. She regularly teaches for Arlington Regional and Fairfax Master Naturalist Chapters.  
Bert Harris the Co-Director of The Clifton Institute, a nature center and research station on 900 acres in Warrenton. Harris researches and develops actionable ecological restoration for landowners, with an emphasis on native plant and animal communities. PhD, University of Adelaide Australia. Adj. Professor at American University and George Mason University.  
So, whether a landowner has acreage that they want to restore with a native plant meadow, or a small plot in their yard, Bright and Harris will give you, the Master Gardener, the science and practical knowledge needed to teach the gardening public in your area.  
Register:  You will be sent a Zoom link the week of the 

9.    GPMGA 18th Annual Spring Garden Fest – April 26, 2025 – Reynolds Community College 1851 Dickinson Rd, Goochland, VA  

·         The 18th Annual Goochland Powhatan Master Gardener Associations Spring Garden Fest will be held 8am-3pm April 26, 2025 at Reynolds Community College, 1851 Dickinson Rd, Goochland, VA 23063. This is a free, family friendly event that is a celebration of all things related to gardening. For a small registration fee you can sign up for 3 of the 12 classes being offered on topics including invasive and native plants, year-round color in the landscape, attracting birds and pollinators, deterring pests and disease, gardening in the shade, and organic vegetable gardening. If you like to learn by doing you can take advantage of hands-on workshops on building a rain barrel, propagating plants, and solving problems with Orchids (bring yours). Online registration and a complete list of these educational opportunities is available at 

Old March Events 

10.  14th Annual Gardening Symposium: Plant Nurture Grow – Loudoun County Extension Master Gardeners – Saturday, March 22, 2025 – Academies of Loudoun, 42075 Loudoun Academy Drive, Leesburg, VA 20175 Join the Loudoun County Master Gardeners for our 14th Annual Gardening Symposium: Plant-Nurture-Grow on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 9 am to 3 pm 


Biweekly Update – February 27

New Announcements  


1.    2025 Extension Master Gardener College Save the Date: June 10-15 in Blacksburg! 

2.    Continuing Education Survey: Take this quick survey to give us some information about your Continuing Education needs: EMG CE Survey 

3.    Allium leafminer – Participate in a citizen science project to monitor the spread of this new pest of alliums! 

4.    Webinar Series 

·         March 11, 1:00 pm | Sustainable Vegetable Production with Ashley Jernigan: This session will cover management practices that affect the soil biological processes necessary for sustainable crop production, with a focus on nutrient management and soil disturbance. It will also explore soil biological communities, their role in plant growth, and how you can assess soil biological health. Register for the March 11 webinar here 

·         April 7, 2:00 pm | Horticultural Therapy & Therapeutic Horticulture: Definitions & Examples of Practice with Leah Diehl: Leah Diehl, Director of Therapeutic Horticulture at Wilmot Botanical Gardens and Lecturer in the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florida will discuss horticultural therapy. Register for the April 7 webinar here 

·         All webinars are recorded and posted in the webinar archive 

5.    Northern Neck Master Gardeners 31st annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar – March 29, 2025 – Church of the Nazarene, 57 Whisk Dr., White Stone, VA 22578 – More info on the Norhtern Neck event in the flyer here 

·         Mark the date, note the location, and get ready for it: the Northern Neck Master Gardener’s 31st annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar (GNN) 2025 returns to White Stone Church of the Nazarene on March 29, 2025! Come for the camaraderie with fellow gardeners, come for the legendary homemade goodies at the hospitality table, come for the information from fantastic speakers, and lastly, the Marketplace with stunning yard art selected just for the event!   

This year’s theme, “Gardeners: Caretakers of the Environment” will entice with information on fabulous plants that make a huge impact and emphasize the importance of creating a garden that encourages biodiversity. 

The three renowned speakers are: Dan Benarcik, of Chanticleer Garden, who will share with us the 25 plants that he could not garden without; Alyssa Morel-Ford will teach us how to welcome fireflies and other wonderful guests to our gardens; and Peggy Singlemann, host of the television series Virginia Home Grown, will present “Connecting the Garden to our Environment.” 

Michelle Kramer, Northern Neck Master Gardener president, states she is excited by the outstanding speaker lineup and about the NNMGs taking part in the Marketplace by offering both plants and yard art for the first time.The funds GNN raises will be given out to local students for 4-H and college scholarships. New this year is the Diane Kean scholarship in honor of a beloved Northern Neck Master Gardener who we lost in 2024.  

The seminar fee is $50. Lunches will be available for an additional fee. Registration forms will be available February 1 at 

6.    Winter Webinar: Connections with VA State Agencies – DWR and DCR – March 5, 9:30am – More info on the Goochland-Powhatan webinar in flyer here 

·         Topic: Connections with VA State Agencies – DWR and DCR Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardeners Association would like to invite you to join our 2025 Winter Webinar to be held on March 5, 2025 from 9:30-noon. This year, the focus is on learning more about the valuable information and services that our VA State Agencies provide for gardeners and how we may support the work they do. Our speakers are Kevin Heffernan from the VA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Stephen Living from the VA Department of Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR). You can find more information on the attached flier. Registration link: 

7.    Suffolk EMG Plant Sale at the Earth & Arts Festival – April 26, 2025 – Historic Downtown Suffolk – Suffolk’s EMG plant sale is again part of the Suffolk Earth & Arts Festival. Volunteers will have an assortment of native perennials & shrubs, ready-to-plant vegetables, fruits, and herbs, and a variety of other perennials, annuals, and trees to add to your garden at reasonable prices. A free native tree giveaway is planned, along with an Ask a Master Gardener booth and recycled garden tools sale. Proceeds support VCE MG programming in the City of Suffolk. 

8.    Plant Communities Large and Small – March 20, 2025 6-8:30pm – VMGA Spring 2025 Continuing Education – More info on the VMGA CE webinar here 

·         Speakers:  
Maddie Bright is the Executive Director at Earth Sangha where she has worked full-time on native plant conservation since 2011. Bright has worked closely with ecologists, botanists, and park managers across the Northern Virginia region on plant conservation and ecological restoration projects over the years. She regularly teaches for Arlington Regional and Fairfax Master Naturalist Chapters.  
Bert Harris the Co-Director of The Clifton Institute, a nature center and research station on 900 acres in Warrenton. Harris researches and develops actionable ecological restoration for landowners, with an emphasis on native plant and animal communities. PhD, University of Adelaide Australia. Adj. Professor at American University and George Mason University.  
So, whether a landowner has acreage that they want to restore with a native plant meadow, or a small plot in their yard, Bright and Harris will give you, the Master Gardener, the science and practical knowledge needed to teach the gardening public in your area.  
Register:  You will be sent a Zoom link the week of the 

9.    GPMGA 18th Annual Spring Garden Fest – April 26, 2025 – Reynolds Community College 1851 Dickinson Rd, Goochland, VA  

·         The 18th Annual Goochland Powhatan Master Gardener Associations Spring Garden Fest will be held 8am-3pm April 26, 2025 at Reynolds Community College, 1851 Dickinson Rd, Goochland, VA 23063. This is a free, family friendly event that is a celebration of all things related to gardening. For a small registration fee you can sign up for 3 of the 12 classes being offered on topics including invasive and native plants, year-round color in the landscape, attracting birds and pollinators, deterring pests and disease, gardening in the shade, and organic vegetable gardening. If you like to learn by doing you can take advantage of hands-on workshops on building a rain barrel, propagating plants, and solving problems with Orchids (bring yours). Online registration and a complete list of these educational opportunities is available at 

Old March Events 

10.  14th Annual Gardening Symposium: Plant Nurture Grow – Loudoun County Extension Master Gardeners – Saturday, March 22, 2025 – Academies of Loudoun, 42075 Loudoun Academy Drive, Leesburg, VA 20175 Join the Loudoun County Master Gardeners for our 14th Annual Gardening Symposium: Plant-Nurture-Grow on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 9 am to 3 pm 


Biweekly Update – Feb 14

New Announcements  


1.    Please send us info on your plant sales! Submit them as biweekly items or send them directly to Devon  

2.    2025 Extension Master Gardener College Save the Date: June 10-15 in Blacksburg! 

·         Brag boards: We plan to display paper poster brag boards (rather than the digital versions). Our current plan is that we will have poster easels to display flat posters (not tri-folds or other accessories) 

3.    State Office CE Webinar Series 

·         Feb 18, 2025 – Turfgrass Management and Disease Prevention with Elisabeth Kitchin: This session will cover essential practices for maintaining turfgrass lawns, including proper mowing, irrigation, and fertilization. It will also explore strategies for preventing, identifying, and managing common turfgrass diseases, with practical advice for achieving healthy, resilient lawns Register for the Feb 18 webinar here 

·         March 11, 1:00 pm | Sustainable Vegetable Production with Ashley Jernigan: This session will cover management practices that affect the soil biological processes necessary for sustainable crop production, with a focus on nutrient management and soil disturbance. It will also explore soil biological communities, their role in plant growth, and how you can assess soil biological health. Register for the March 11 webinar here 

·         April 7, 2:00 pm | Horticultural Therapy & Therapeutic Horticulture: Definitions & Examples of Practice with Leah Diehl: Leah Diehl, Director of Therapeutic Horticulture at Wilmot Botanical Gardens and Lecturer in the Environmental Horticulture Department at the University of Florida will discuss horticultural therapy. Register for the April 7 webinar here 

·         All webinars are recorded and posted in the webinar archive 

4.      14th Annual Gardening Symposium: Plant Nurture Grow – Loudoun County Extension Master Gardeners – Saturday, March 22, 2025 – Academies of Loudoun, 42075 Loudoun Academy Drive, Leesburg, VA 20175 Join the Loudoun County Master Gardeners for our 14th Annual Gardening Symposium: Plant-Nurture-Grow on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 9 am to 3 pm 

5.    Native Plant Communities, Big and Small – Virtual: Thursday, March 20, 6:00-8:30pm  – Zoom – Join VMGA for their Spring Educational Event: Native Plant Communities, Big and Small! VMGA Spring 2025 Continuing Education: From the multi-acre meadow creation/restoration to the quintessential English cottage garden, Maddie Bright and Brett Harris will elaborate on the science and practical aspects of native plant ecology as it relates to native plant meadows. Register here

·         Speakers: 

                                             i. Maddie Bright is the Executive Director at Earth Sangha where she has worked full-time on native plant conservation since 2011. Bright has worked closely with ecologists, botanists, and park managers across the Northern Virginia region on plant conservation and ecological restoration projects over the years. She regularly teaches for Arlington Regional and Fairfax Master Naturalist Chapters. 

                                             ii.Bert Harris, Ph.D. is the Co-Director of The Clifton Institute, a nature center and research station on 900 acres in Warrenton. Harris researches and develops actionable ecological restoration for landowners, with an emphasis on native plant and animal communities. PhD, University of Adelaide Australia. Adj. Professor at American University and George Mason University. 

6.    GPMGA Winter Webinar: State Agencies for VA Gardeners – March 5 – Goochland-Powhatan Master Gardeners Association would like to announce our 2025 Winter Webinar to be held on March 5, 2025 from 9:30-noon.  This year, the focus is on learning more about the valuable information that our VA State Agencies provide for gardeners and how we may support the work they do. Our speakers are Kevin Heffernan from the VA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and Stephen Living from the VA Department of Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR).  You can find more information and the registration link on the attached flier. 


Biweekly Update – Jan 31

New Announcements  


1.    2025 Extension Master Gardener College Save the Date: June 10-15 in Blacksburg! 

·         Brag boards: We plan to display paper poster brag boards (rather than the digital versions). Our current plan is that we will have poster easels to display flat posters (not tri-folds or other accessories) 

2.    Allium leafminer – Participate in a citizen science project to monitor the spread of this new pest of alliums! 

3.    Webinar Series 

·         Feb 18, 2025 – Turfgrass Management and Disease Prevention with Elisabeth Kitchin This session will cover essential practices for maintaining turfgrass lawns, including proper mowing, irrigation, and fertilization. It will also explore strategies for preventing, identifying, and managing common turfgrass diseases, with practical advice for achieving healthy, resilient lawns 

·         Register for the Feb 18 webinar here 

·         All webinars are recorded and posted in the webinar archive 

4.    New Volunteer Handbook available in Better Impact – A new version of the EMG Volunteer Handbook (previously chapter 1 of the training handbook) is available on the “files” section of Better Impact. This document is available only to current EMGs and will not be linked here. 

Old February Announcements 

5.    Upcoming Northern Shenandoah Valley Events: 

·         Indoor Plant Clinic: Late winter is the perfect time to give your indoor plants a little love. Learn how to take care of the plants you already have. Plus, participants go home with FREE easy-to-grow houseplants that they re-pot from a division or rooting. Please consider joining the fun on February 1, 2025, from 10am to 2pm at Bowman Library in Stephens City, Virginia. NSV EMGs will be on hand to provide plant care basics, along with presenting informative sessions on topics such as Eastern Prickly Pear, Growing Orchids and House Plant Tips and Propagation, etc. Kids are invited, too, and can join in an educational activity. For more details, please access the link: 


Biweekly Update – January 17

  1. 2025 Extension Master Gardener College Save the Date: June 10-15 in Blacksburg! 
  2. Webinar Series 
    • Feb 18, 2025 – Turfgrass Management and Disease Prevention with Elisabeth Kitchin This session will cover essential practices for maintaining turfgrass lawns, including proper mowing, irrigation, and fertilization. It will also explore strategies for preventing, identifying, and managing common turfgrass diseases, with practical advice for achieving healthy, resilient lawns 
    • All webinars are recorded and posted in the webinar archive 
  3. Home Food Preservation and Preparation volunteer work: The EMG program is exploring collaboration with VCE’s Master Food Volunteer program. To help us get started, we kindly ask you to complete this quick survey to let us know what type(s) of program(s) you’ve conducted previously and what you’re interested in offering in the future. This will help us strategically plan and provide a roadmap for piloting collaborations. 
  4. NRV Winter Sowing Workshop – Saturday, January 25th (10am – 12pm) – Multi-Purpose Room 1, Montgomery County Government Center –  755 Roanoke St, Christiansburg VA 24073 – $5.00 supply fee (cash or check payable to NRVMGA)  
    • Join the NRV Master Gardeners for our very popular Winter Sowing Workshop, led by Master Gardener Beth Kirby! You will leave with two of your own completed winter sowing jugs, planted with seeds of your choice.  
    • Supply fee is waived for current Master Gardeners, Master Gardener Interns and Master Gardener Trainees.   For NRV Master Gardeners:  This event will count toward continuing education hours for 2025, if you have not attended previously.  Be sure to enter these hours into Better Impact after you attend. 
    • Come early for the Seed Swap – starting at 9am in the Government Center Lobby. Registration is not required for the seed swap.  See flyer or New River Valley Master Gardener Association Facebook page for more info. Questions?  Please contact 
Old January Announcements 
  1. Upcoming Northern Shenandoah Valley Events: 
    • Seed Exchange: What can one do in the dead of winter when the ground is frozen, and plants are dormant? Please consider joining the NSV EMGs for their annual Seed Exchange on January 18, 2025, from 10am to 2pm.  The Seed Exchange will be indoors at a new location, Strasburg High School Cafeteria in Strasburg, Virginia. The new location will help to minimize any weather-related impacts.  For those who would like to share their extra seeds or those who might like to acquire free seeds, everyone will leave a winner!  For more details, please access the link: 
    • Indoor Plant Clinic: Late winter is the perfect time to give your indoor plants a little love. Learn how to take care of the plants you already have. Plus, participants go home with FREE easy-to-grow houseplants that they re-pot from a division or rooting. Please consider joining the fun on February 1, 2025, from 10am to 2pm at Bowman Library in Stephens City, Virginia. NSV EMGs will be on hand to provide plant care basics, along with presenting informative sessions on topics such as Eastern Prickly Pear, Growing Orchids and House Plant Tips and Propagation, etc. Kids are invited, too, and can join in an educational activity. For more details, please access the link: 

Biweekly Update – December 5

New Announcements

 2025 Extension Master Gardener College Save the Date: June 10-15 in Blacksburg!

  1. Webinar Series
    • December 19 2:00 pm | Invasive Plants, Restoration and the Sound of Urban Streams with Gabrielle Ripa – In this presentation, Gabrielle will present her PhD work on acoustic monitoring of stream ecosystems and the impact invasive species have on the acoustic landscape.

                                   i. Gabrielle Ripa is a PhD student at Virginia Tech who is studying how to limit invasive plants on stream restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Because of her background in wildlife ecology, Gabrielle is also seeking to connect the changes to the stream environment, due to invasion and restoration, to the animal community through acoustic monitoring. She hopes her work can inform the design of restoration projects that are better at recovering both plant and animal communities.

                                     ii.  Register for the Dec 19 webinar here

                                     iii.  Water Stewards: This content is good quality CE for your Advanced EMG certification.

  1. 2025 Focus Theme: Home Food production
    • As we move into the new year, the Virginia Extension Master Gardener Program will be focusing on a critical and timely theme: Home Food Production. This initiative comes in response to the significant community challenges faced by Southwest Virginia in the wake of Hurricane Helene. Many communities are still recovering, and we believe our skills, resources, and dedication can make a real difference in promoting sustainable, resilient food systems at the household level. We also believe that we can be positive change agents across the commonwealth through this work.

Throughout 2025, we will be working together to educate, empower, and support local gardeners, families, and communities in growing their own food. Whether it’s through kitchen gardens, community plots, or container gardening, our goal is to help people increase their food security, improve their nutrition, and build a more sustainable future. We invite all of you to join us in this important work.

  1. Upcoming Northern Shenandoah Valley Events:
    • Seed Exchange: What can one do in the dead of winter when the ground is frozen, and plants are dormant? Please consider joining the NSV EMGs for their annual Seed Exchange on January 18, 2025, from 10am to 2pm.  The Seed Exchange will be indoors at a new location, Strasburg High School Cafeteria in Strasburg, Virginia. The new location will help to minimize any weather-related impacts.  For those who would like to share their extra seeds or those who might like to acquire free seeds, everyone will leave a winner!  For more details, please access the link:
    • Indoor Plant Clinic: Late winter is the perfect time to give your indoor plants a little love. Learn how to take care of the plants you already have. Plus, participants go home with FREE easy-to-grow houseplants that they re-pot from a division or rooting. Please consider joining the fun on February 1, 2025, from 10am to 2pm at Bowman Library in Stephens City, Virginia. NSV EMGs will be on hand to provide plant care basics, along with presenting informative sessions on topics such as Eastern Prickly Pear, Growing Orchids and House Plant Tips and Propagation, etc. Kids are invited, too, and can join in an educational activity. For more details, please access the link:

Biweekly Update – November 14

New Announcements


  1. Webinar Series
    • November 18 2:00 pm | Peach Basics with Andy Rollins – In this session, Andy Rollins of South Carolina Extension will cover peach growing basics for home gardeners. For EMGs who provide plant troubleshooting services to your locality, this session will improve your ability to solve peach challenges for your stakeholders. Peaches are a great choice for Virginia gardeners interested in fruit production–Andy will give us all tips for a successful peach crop!

                                                              i.      About the Speaker: Andy Rollins is the Horticultural Agent for the upstate of SC. He is specialized in commercial fruit and vegetable production and assists new growers with problem diagnosis and multiple decisions including soil testing/preparation, location/size of the planting, spray choices, calibration, and variety selection. Andy is actively involved in research projects with Clemson University as well as USDA-ARS specialists, and also does some new product testing.

                                                             ii.      Register for the November webinar here

    • December 3 2:00 pm | Invasion Biology Wrap-Up with Jacob Barney

                                                              i.      Jacob Barney currently serves as the Director of the Invasive Species Collaborative (ISC). The ISC is a faculty collaborative that began in the Global Change Center at Virginia Tech with support from the Fralin Life Sciences Institute and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The ISC nurtures transdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, industry, and communities to promote a deep understanding of the impacts of invasive species on ecosystems and society and foster an inclusive environment where science and policy meet to tackle this global challenge. Dr Barney also teaches several courses at Virginia Tech, including “Biological Invasions,” a course on the causes, consequences, and epidemiology of invasive plants, animals, and microbes.

                                                             ii.      Register for the Dec 3 webinar here

                                                           iii.      Land Stewards: This content is good quality CE for your Advanced EMG certification.

    • December 19 2:00 pm | Invasive Plants, Restoration and the Sound of Urban Streams with Gabrielle Ripa – In this presentation, Gabrielle will present her PhD work on acoustic monitoring of stream ecosystems and the impact invasive species have on the acoustic landscape.

                                                              i.      Gabrielle Ripa is a PhD student at Virginia Tech who is studying how to limit invasive plants on stream restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Because of her background in wildlife ecology, Gabrielle is also seeking to connect the changes to the stream environment, due to invasion and restoration, to the animal community through acoustic monitoring. She hopes her work can inform the design of restoration projects that are better at recovering both plant and animal communities.

                                                             ii.      Register for the Dec 19 webinar here

                                                           iii.      Water Stewards: This content is good quality CE for your Advanced EMG certification.

Old November Announcements


  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
  • 11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.


Old Announcements

  1. Use this QR code to direct people to “invasive species” tagged material on the site: get the qr code here


Biweekly Update – October 31

Change in Policy Regarding Pesticide Use by Volunteers – The use of pesticides by Extension Master Gardener volunteers in their volunteer role is governed both by state law and by Virginia Cooperative Extension and Virginia Tech policies. You may have heard that there has been a change in the state law to allow use of herbicides by volunteers under very limited and specific circumstances. The Extension Master Gardener program leaders and the Virginia Master Naturalist program leaders have worked together with the Virginia Tech Pesticide Programs director and the Virginia Tech Office of Risk Management to revise the policy in order to match the new law. The revised policy is attached here. You can consider this policy effective as of today, but we will be adding it to the upcoming new version of the Volunteer Handbook. Please read it thoroughly and feel free to ask questions as needed. 

 New Announcements

  1. Webinar Series
    • November 18 2:00 pm | Peach Basics with Andy Rollins – In this session, Andy Rollins of South Carolina Extension will cover peach growing basics for home gardeners. For EMGs who provide plant troubleshooting services to your locality, this session will improve your ability to solve peach challenges for your stakeholders. Peaches are a great choice for Virginia gardeners interested in fruit production–Andy will give us all tips for a successful peach crop!

                                                              i.      About the Speaker: Andy Rollins is the Horticultural Agent for the upstate of SC. He is specialized in commercial fruit and vegetable production and assists new growers with problem diagnosis and multiple decisions including soil testing/preparation, location/size of the planting, spray choices, calibration, and variety selection. Andy is actively involved in research projects with Clemson University as well as USDA-ARS specialists, and also does some new product testing.

                                                             ii.      Register for the November webinar here

    • December 3 2:00 pm | Invasion Biology Wrap-Up with Jacob Barney

                                                              i.      Jacob Barney currently serves as the Director of the Invasive Species Collaborative (ISC). The ISC is a faculty collaborative that began in the Global Change Center at Virginia Tech with support from the Fralin Life Sciences Institute and the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost. The ISC nurtures transdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, industry, and communities to promote a deep understanding of the impacts of invasive species on ecosystems and society and foster an inclusive environment where science and policy meet to tackle this global challenge. Dr Barney also teaches several courses at Virginia Tech, including “Biological Invasions,” a course on the causes, consequences, and epidemiology of invasive plants, animals, and microbes.

                                                             ii.      Register for the Dec 3 webinar here

                                                           iii.      Land Stewards: This content is good quality CE for your Advanced EMG certification.

    • December 19 2:00 pm | Invasive Plants, Restoration and the Sound of Urban Streams with Gabrielle Ripa – In this presentation, Gabrielle will present her PhD work on acoustic monitoring of stream ecosystems and the impact invasive species have on the acoustic landscape.

                                                              i.      Gabrielle Ripa is a PhD student at Virginia Tech who is studying how to limit invasive plants on stream restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Because of her background in wildlife ecology, Gabrielle is also seeking to connect the changes to the stream environment, due to invasion and restoration, to the animal community through acoustic monitoring. She hopes her work can inform the design of restoration projects that are better at recovering both plant and animal communities.

                                                             ii.      Register for the Dec 19 webinar here

                                                           iii.      Water Stewards: This content is good quality CE for your Advanced EMG certification.

  1. VMGA November Educational Event November 9th: Register now
    • The Virginia Master Gardener Association (VMGA) is excited to announce its Fall Continuing Education Day, scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Washington VA Volunteer Fire Meeting Hall, located at 10 Firehouse Lane, Washington, VA 22747.
    • This event will feature a lineup of expert speakers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields:

                                                              i.      Janet Davis of Hill House Nursery will delve into the Propagation of Woody Plants, with a special focus on native species. Janet’s expertise in nurturing and multiplying these essential plants will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in expanding their garden or landscape.

                                                             ii.      Matt Bright from Earth Sangha will speak on the importance of Keystone Plants and Plant Communities. Keystone plants play a critical role in supporting local ecosystems, and Matt will guide us in understanding which species are vital for the health and biodiversity of our natural surroundings as well as how you create Plant Communities with them.

                                                           iii.      Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge on Seed Propagation. Pat’s session will cover the fundamentals of starting plants from seed, offering both practical tips and a deeper understanding of the science behind successful propagation.

    • Following the morning lectures, participants will have the opportunity to visit Hill House Nursery, located just 15-20 minutes from the Fire House. This field trip will allow attendees to see many of the propagation techniques discussed during the lectures in action and explore the nursery’s diverse collection of plants. (We will carpool to and from the nursery). This event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning your journey in horticulture. Don’t miss this chance to learn from some of the best in the field and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Mark your calendars for November 9th, and join us for a day of education, inspiration, and community! 
  1. Danville Master Gardeners’ 12th annual Spring to Green (STG) conference will be held on February 8, 2025. Registration is now open, and STG shirts are available for purchase! To register, go to and look for Spring to Green. If you want to register by mail, go to and download a registration form and mail the completed form to 326 Taylor Dr, Suite 100, Danville, VA 24541.

Old November Announcements

  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.
  2. Salt Tolerant Plants: November 4, 2024 |VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, November 4, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on:  Salt Tolerant Plants    Speaker: Liz Maurer, VBMG
    • Our proximity to the ocean means our landscape plants are subject to salt spray that can drift inland during high winds. Salt can accumulate on plant surfaces as well as in the soil. In some areas, brackish flood waters may contribute to challenges the plants face. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and possible ways to help your plants survive as well as suggestions for plants that can best withstand these conditions
    • Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  No registration is required.   Gardening Talks are one hour. 
    • Go to and click on the Zoom link!  Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!



Biweekly Update – October 17

New Announcements


  1. Webinar Series
    • The Coreopsis That Died Probably Wasn’t Your Fault: Growing Reliable Perennials In and For the Garden with Paul Westervelt, Annual & Perennial Production Manager and Head Grower, Saunders Brothers, Inc. Register here.

                                                              i.      In this session, Paul Westervelt of Saunders Brothers Inc. will share his extensive knowledge and expertise on choosing perennials for your landscape. Paul will discuss perennials for fall planting and/or fall color.

  1. Tell us about your specialized expertise!  Help us gather insights from EMG volunteers about specialized horticultural skills.
    • The survey should take approximately 12-15 minutes to complete.  The survey will close at the end of the day on Sunday, October 20.  (As a footnote, the survey will be conducted through the University of Tennessee and not Virginia Tech so the Qualtrics URL will reflect a UT-Knoxville and UT Extension origin.)
  2. Use this QR code to direct people to “invasive species” tagged material on the site: get the qr code here
  3. Salt Tolerant Plants: November 4, 2024 | VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, November 4, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on:  Salt Tolerant Plants    Speaker: Liz Maurer, VBMG
    • Our proximity to the ocean means our landscape plants are subject to salt spray that can drift inland during high winds. Salt can accumulate on plant surfaces as well as in the soil. In some areas, brackish flood waters may contribute to challenges the plants face. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and possible ways to help your plants survive as well as suggestions for plants that can best withstand these conditions
    • Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  No registration is required.   Gardening Talks are one hour. 
    • Go to and click on the Zoom link!  Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!
  4. NATIVE FLOWERS, FRUITS & FOLIAGE FOR FALL | October 23, 2024, 6:30 PM-8:00 PM | NATIVE FLOWERS, FRUITS & FOLIAGE FOR FALL – ZOOM: October marks a slowing down of the growing season, but there are still many native plants you might consider adding to your garden to introduce long-lasting blooms and colorful foliage to the fall landscape. Join Virginia Cooperative Extension with Extension Master Gardener and Wildlife Sanctuary Ambassador Elaine Mills as she discusses over 40 plants native to the Mid-Atlantic region, including perennials, ground covers, vines, shrubs, and trees that offer important support for local wildlife as well as beauty. She describes characteristics, attributes, and maintenance tips specific to these native plants and offers ideas for landscape uses.  To receive the Zoom link please register at:


Old October Announcements

  1. Hanover Home Gardening Series: Join us for engaging presentations that will broaden your gardening know-how, introduce you to new concepts, and help you connect with the Hanover Master Gardeners. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or experience.  Our Home Gardening Series is tailored for Hanover County’s home gardeners. Atlee Library | 9212 Rutlandshire Dr, Mechanicsville, VA 23116  Learn more and register
    • October 19 | Tree Stewards and Gardening Help Desk
    • January 18 | Gardening Tools and Invasives
    • February 15 | Seed Starting and Garden Planning
    • March 15 | Soil Testing and Bats, Dragonflies and Mosquitos
  2. Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ Backyard Gardening Seminars:
  1. 2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTEST Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024.


Old November Announcements


  1. VMGA November Educational Event: SAVE THE DATE!  November 9th
  • The Virginia Master Gardener Association (VMGA) is excited to announce its Fall Continuing Education Day, scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Washington VA Volunteer Fire Meeting Hall, located at 10 Firehouse Lane, Washington, VA 22747. WATCH FOR INFORMATION ON REGISTRATION SOON.
  • This event will feature a lineup of expert speakers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields:
    • Janet Davis of Hill House Nursery will delve into the Propagation of Woody Plants, with a special focus on native species. Janet’s expertise in nurturing and multiplying these essential plants will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in expanding their garden or landscape.
    • Matt Bright from Earth Sangha will speak on the importance of Keystone Plants and Plant Communities. Keystone plants play a critical role in supporting local ecosystems, and Matt will guide us in understanding which species are vital for the health and biodiversity of our natural surroundings as well as how you create Plant Communities with them.
    • Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge on Seed Propagation. Pat’s session will cover the fundamentals of starting plants from seed, offering both practical tips and a deeper understanding of the science behind successful propagation.
  • Following the morning lectures, participants will have the opportunity to visit Hill House Nursery, located just 15-20 minutes from the Fire House. This field trip will allow attendees to see many of the propagation techniques discussed during the lectures in action and explore the nursery’s diverse collection of plants. (We will carpool to and from the nursery). This event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning your journey in horticulture. Don’t miss this chance to learn from some of the best in the field and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Mark your calendars for November 9th, and join us for a day of education, inspiration, and community!
  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
  • 11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.


Biweekly Update – October 4

 New Announcements  

  1. Webinar Series 

·      October 24 – Fall Planted Perennials with Paul Westervelt, Head Color Grower at Saunders Brothers Register here. 

                                i.Join Paul Westervelt for an informative talk on past winners of “Perennial Plant of the Year” and his favorite garden additions you can make this fall. 

·         As with all the webinars in the EMG CE Webinar Series, this webinar will be recorded and posted at: 

  1. Tell us about your specialized expertise! The State EMG Office is working with Dave Close, former VCE Volunteer Engagement Specialist, and Pat Lust, an active VCE MG volunteer, on a follow-up survey to the 2022 project titled “Happy EMG Volunteers & Thriving EMG Unit.”  Dave currently serves as the Volunteer Specialist with the University of Tennessee Extension and continues to collaborate with VCE on special multi-state projects.  

·      This new survey, titled “EMGs with Specialized Expertise,” aims to gather insights from EMG volunteers about specialized horticultural skills. 

·     The survey should take approximately 12-15 minutes to complete.  The survey will close at the end of the day on Sunday, October 20.  (As a footnote, the survey will be conducted through the University of Tennessee and not Virginia Tech so the Qualtrics URL will reflect a UT-Knoxville and UT Extension origin.) 

·     Take the survey: 

  1. Updated Lawn and Garden pages on Extension website! We’ve added information and updated the horticulture-relevant pages on the Extension website ( If you’re interested (or if you’ve previously visited these pages and thought “wow they should really update this”) please take a look and let us know your suggestions or corrections! 
  1. The Virginia Master Gardener Association (VMGA) is excited to announce its Fall Continuing Education Day, scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Washington VA Volunteer Fire Meeting Hall, located at 10 Firehouse Lane, Washington, VA 22747.  

This event will feature a lineup of expert speakers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields: 

·     Janet Davis owner of Hill House Farm & Nursery will delve into the Propagation of Native Woody Plants, including trees, shrubs and vines. During her lecture, Janet shares her experience in nurturing and multiplying these essential plants and provides valuable insights for anyone interested in expanding their garden or landscape. 

·      Maddie Bright from Earth Sangha will speak on the importance of Keystone Native Plants and Plant Communities. Keystone native plants play a critical role in supporting local ecosystems, and Maddie will guide us in understanding which species grow well together and are vital for the health and biodiversity of our natural surroundings. 

·       Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge on Seed Propagation. Pat’s session will cover the fundamentals of starting native plants from seed, offering both practical tips and a deeper understanding of the science behind successful propagation. 

·     Following the morning lectures and lunch, participants will have the opportunity to visit Hill House Nursery, located just 15-20 minutes from the Fire House. This field trip will allow attendees to see many of the propagation techniques discussed during the lectures in action and explore the nursery’s diverse collection of plants. (Carpooling will be required and numbers will be limited for the afternoon Field Trip – more details to follow.) Following the tour, attendees may also purchase plants.  

                                            i.     Morning coffee, tea and refreshments are being furnished thanks to the local Master Gardeners of Fauquier/Rappahannock. Bring your refillable coffee mug. In order to be able to offer a timely afternoon field trip, we ask that attendees bring their own bag lunch and a refillable water bottle. Water and cookies will be provided. 

                                           ii.      This event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning your journey in horticulture. Don’t miss this chance to learn more about propagation and native plants from some of the best in the field and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts. 

·      Mark your calendars for November 9th, and join us for a day of education, inspiration, and community! Register and pay here. 

·      Cost to attend:  $10.00 for VMGA Member, $20.00 for Non-Members. If you’d like to join VMGA, and take advantage of the member registration rate, please submit a VMGA Membership Application. Dues are just $15 paid annually or $135 for continuing membership. 

·      For registration, you will need to register and pay on the VMGA website with PayPal/Credit card.  The other option is mailing a check to our treasurer, Betsy Brown.  Please, do not wait to last minute to register this way. Email ; to enquire about your registration. 

  1. Hanover Home Gardening Series: Join us for engaging presentations that will broaden your gardening know-how, introduce you to new concepts, and help you connect with the Hanover Master Gardeners. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or experience.  Our Home Gardening Series is tailored for Hanover County’s home gardeners. Atlee Library | 9212 Rutlandshire Dr, Mechanicsville, VA 23116  Learn more and register 

·         October 19 | Tree Stewards and Gardening Help Desk 


·         January 18 | Gardening Tools and Invasives 

·         February 15 | Seed Starting and Garden Planning 

·         March 15 | Soil Testing and Bats, Dragonflies and Mosquitos

Old October Announcements 

  1. Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ Backyard Gardening Seminars

·         Saturday, October 5, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon – Cold Planting and Winter Sowing 

·         Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon – Greenhouse Basics – How to set up and utilize a greenhouse for beginners 

·         Location for all BYG: Louisa County Public Library,881 Davis Highway, Mineral, Virginia. 

  1. New River Valley Master Gardeners For the Love of Foraging | 10/5/2024 | Blacksburg Community Center, Community Room, 725 Patrick Henry Dr, Blacksburg, VA 

·         For the Love of Foraging with Em. Learn about foraging wild foods throughout the entire year. Saturday, October 5th 11:00am – 12:30pm Register here: 

  1. 2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTESTPrince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024. 


Old November Announcements 


  1. VMGA November Educational Event: SAVE THE DATE! November 9th 

·         The Virginia Master Gardener Association (VMGA) is excited to announce its Fall Continuing Education Day, scheduled forSaturday, November 9th, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PMat the Washington VA Volunteer Fire Meeting Hall, located at10 Firehouse Lane, Washington, VA 22747. WATCH FOR INFORMATION ON REGISTRATION SOON. 

·         This event will feature a lineup of expert speakers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields: 

o    Janet Davisof Hill House Nursery will delve into thePropagation of Woody Plants, with a special focus on native species. Janet’s expertise in nurturing and multiplying these essential plants will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in expanding their garden or landscape. 

o    Matt Brightfrom Earth Sangha will speak on the importance ofKeystone Plants and Plant Communities. Keystone plants play a critical role in supporting local ecosystems, and Matt will guide us in understanding which species are vital for the health and biodiversity of our natural surroundings as well as how you create Plant Communities with them. 

o    Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge onSeed Propagation. Pat’s session will cover the fundamentals of starting plants from seed, offering both practical tips and a deeper understanding of the science behind successful propagation. 

·         Following the morning lectures, participants will have the opportunity to visitHill House Nursery, located just 15-20 minutes from the Fire House. This field trip will allow attendees to see many of the propagation techniques discussed during the lectures in action and explore the nursery’s diverse collection of plants. (We will carpool to and from the nursery). This event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning your journey in horticulture. Don’t miss this chance to learn from some of the best in the field and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Mark your calendars for November 9th, and join us for a day of education, inspiration, and community! 

  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 DominionDr., Farmville, VA 

·         11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.