Biweekly Update – May 3

New Announcements

  1. Master Gardener College registration now open: Register here before prices increase May 8
    1. Program and more information here
    2. Want more in-person programming? Register for the VMGA annual meeting on June 15
  2. Entomological Society of America – Chrysalis fund grants for projects that teach kids about bugs Deadline to apply: May 31
  3. NRVMGA Plant Sale, 5/11/2024, Montgomery County Government Center, Join the New River Valley Master Gardeners for our annual plant sale featuring native plants, vegetables, houseplants, garden yard sale and help desk. Saturday, May 11, 9-2, rain or shine. More info here.
  4. Popular Plant Sale Returns! Williamsburg Botanical Garden – May 11, 2024 from 9 am-12noon – James City County Williamsburg Master Gardener Association (JCCWMGA) invites you to our plant sale on Saturday, May 11, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Williamsburg Botanical Garden (WBG) located within Freedom Park at 5537 Centerville Road. This sale runs only on Saturday, May 11, rain or shine. Admission to the WBG and parking in Freedom Park is free.
    1. The sale offers a wide selection of annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, trees, and shrubs. Much of the plant stock has been raised by the Master Gardeners themselves. In addition to plants, visitors can shop the Green Thumb Market for gently used tools, equipment, and specialty items to perk up their garden decor. Shoppers will enjoy connecting with fellow gardening enthusiasts and getting advice from the JCCW Master Gardeners Help Desk team who will be on site during the sale to answer questions and assist customers with plant selections. The proceeds from the plant sale fund over 25 projects enjoyed by the community. For more information go to our website, Don’t miss the video!
  5. GardenFest 2024 6/1/2024 – Belle Grove Plantation 336 Belle Grove Rd Middletown VA 22645 – GardenFest 2024 – 6/1/2024 – VCE supported by the Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association presents GardenFest at Belle Grove Plantation at 336 Belle Grove Rd, Middletown VA 22645. Event will be 8am to 2pm Rain or Shine. The Master Gardener Plant Sale will feature a large variety of perennials, annuals, houseplants, shrubs and trees. Other highlights: gently used garden items at the Second Hand Rose tent, Children’s Activities, Gardening Advice, Garden Tool Sharpening, Food/Plant/Specialty Vendors and Border Collie Duck Herding Demonstration. Free parking and admission. No Pets Please. Contact for questions. See for more information.
  6. VMGA Spring Continuing Education – Conservation Landscaping – 5/18/2024  Via Zoom – The Science and Practical Application to Create or Restore Biodiversity in the Home Restoration Ecology of Urban Trees – Dr. David BurkeResearch chair of the Holden ArboretumConcentrating on soil ecology, His presentation examines interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, especially mutualistic and associative soil organisms, to restore critical balances in urban trees and plants. Ph.D. from Rutgers University.  Restore Biodiversity with Keystone Plants – Krista De Cooke,Innovation Project Manager for Homegrown National Park.How the homeowner can improve biodiversity that supports the birds, and the insects on which they rely. M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee; MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Haslam College of Business. Register here  Once registered, you will be sent a reminder with the Zoom link the week of the event.

Old Announcements May:

  1. HCMGA 22nd Annual Festival of Gardening – 5/4/2024 On the lawn outside city auditorium at Glass H.S. – Plants to satisfy vegetable gardeners, native plant enthusiasts, annuals, tropicals, houseplants, and more will be available at the 22nd annual Festival of Gardening sponsored by the Hill City Master Gardener Association on Saturday, May 4, on the grounds at E. C. Glass High School. Rain or shine, Master Gardeners will offer plants for sale from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m
  2. Western Tidewater EMG Spring Plant Sale – May 4th 9-1, Rain date May 11th – Blackwater Regional Library Please join the Western Tidewater Master Gardeners for our annual Spring Plant sale. May 4,9am-1pm, Rain date May 11th Blackwater Regional Library, 14362 New Town Haven Lane,Carrollton,VA 23314 We will have a variety of plants for sale. Cash or check only. will include garden-related stations for activities and information. Be there or be square.
  3. Nelson County Master Gardeners Annual Plant Sale – 05/04/2024 – Rockfish Valley Community Center – The Nelson County Master Gardeners annual Plant Sale will be held on the first Saturday in May (5/4) from 9 am to 1 pm . There will hundreds of plants available, including native perennials, annuals, vegetables, herbs, shrubs and trees. In addition, we will be raffling off baskets of garden items and selling gently used garden equipment in our Recycled Gardener sale. Please come and check out the plants!
  4. How to Grow Beautiful Roses– 5/6/2024 – VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: How to Grow Beautiful Roses Speaker: Robert Gormley, VBMG Growing beautiful roses isn’t as difficult as most people think. This program
  5. RAMGA Plant Sale 2024 – 5/11/2024 – Ruritan Barn, 1260 Valley Pike, Lexington Va – The Rockbridge Area Master Gardeners will hold their annual plant sale on Saturday May 11 from 8:30 till noon at the Ruritan Barn, 1260 Valley Pike. There’ll be a wide variety of annuals, vegetables, perennials, trees and shrubs, ready to enhance your home’s curb appeal. The event
  6. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 4/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Saving & Starting Seeds
    2. 5/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Rain Barrels
    3. 6/6/2024 – 12 – 1 pm  All about African violets with Jill Fischer.
    4. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    5. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    6. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms


Biweekly Update – April 16

New Announcements

  1. Master Gardener College registration now open: Register here before prices increase May 8
    1. Program and more information here
    2. Want more in-person programming? Register for the VMGA annual meeting on June 15
  2. EMG Webinar Series 2024: All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar
    1.  #inVAsivesApril 22, 1:00pm | Scott M. Salom – Overview of invasive forest insects pests in VA – Join Dr. Scott Salom of Virginia Tech’s entomology department for this introduction to forest and insect pests in Virginia. Register now
  3. Flora Fest 2024 – VCE- Charlotte 133 Legrande Ave. Charlotte Courthouse VA 23938 – Please join the Charlotte County Extension Master Gardeners (CCMG) on April 27, 2024 at the Charlotte County Extension Office for Flora Fest 2024. The plant sale will run from 8:30 am till 12:30 pm with locally grown and very reasonably priced house plants, perennials, annuals, and shrubs. Both sun and shade varieties will be available. Stop by one of the educational booths to learn more about plants and gardening. Bring the kids out to enjoy free Children’s activities. Don’t forget lunch Good Eats Food Truck will be joining us this year!! Raffle tickets can also be purchased for a chance to win a lap quilt. You do not need to be present to win and all proceeds will benefit the CCMG’s. For more information, contact the Charlotte County Extension Office at (434)542-5884, 133 LeGrande Ave., Charlotte Court House, VA 23923.
  4. Abingdon Garden Faire 2024April 19 & 20 – Higher Education Center, I-81, Exit 14, Abingdon, VA – Features a garden market place of perennials, annuals, herbs, trees, vegetables, yard art, outdoor furniture and table cloths, etc. Plus a two-day Gardening Symposium with programs about invasive species, growing the best flowers for arraigning, native plants, reclamation of abandoned mine sites and workshops for making rain barrels, creating topiary art, and unique floral designs. More details on FaceBook: Washington County VA Master Gardeners
  5. Rapidan River Master Gardener’s Plant and Garden Sale – 4/27/2024  – A variety of indoor and outdoor plants will be available for sale, as well as gardening implements. Nicholas Sigalas – Owner and Cutler at Nick’s Sharpening Service will be on site all day to sharpen anything that needs to be sharpened ! Proceeds from this event will benefit the many community projects that the RRMG supports such as pollinator gardens, school projects, library seed exchanges, working with senior citizens, county farmers markets education tents and our Carver Demonstration Garden.
  6. RAMGA Plant Sale 2024 – 5/11/2024 – Ruritan Barn, 1260 Valley Pike, Lexington Va – The Rockbridge Area Master Gardeners will hold their annual plant sale on Saturday May 11 from 8:30 till noon at the Ruritan Barn, 1260 Valley Pike. There’ll be a wide variety of annuals, vegetables, perennials, trees and shrubs, ready to enhance your home’s curb appeal. The event
  7. Rapidan River Master Gardener’s Plant and Garden Sale – Rapidan River Master Gardeners is having a HUGE Yard and Garden Sale with plants, garden decorations & tools. April 27th, 9am – 5pm at Carver Center 9432 N James Madison Hwy, Rapidan, VA 22733
  8. Western Tidewater EMG Spring Plant Sale – May 4th 9-1, Rain date May 11th – Blackwater Regional Library Please join the Western Tidewater Master Gardeners for our annual Spring Plant sale. May 4,9am-1pm, Rain date May 11th Blackwater Regional Library, 14362 New Town Haven Lane,Carrollton,VA 23314 We will have a variety of plants for sale. Cash or check only. will include garden-related stations for activities and information. Be there or be square.
  9. Starting Natives Plants by Seeds April 17, 2024 11 am Prince William VCE ANR – Join Zoom Meeting – Master Gardener Pat Lust from Units Goochland/Powhatan will explain how to grow native plants from seed. Some are a bit more difficult than others. She has been growing native plants from seed for her Units plant sales for several years. Come join us and learn how she does it.
  10. VMGA Spring Continuing Education – Conservation Landscaping – 5/18/2024  Via Zoom – The Science and Practical Application to Create or Restore Biodiversity in the Home Restoration Ecology of Urban Trees – Dr. David BurkeResearch chair of the Holden ArboretumConcentrating on soil ecology, His presentation examines interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, especially mutualistic and associative soil organisms, to restore critical balances in urban trees and plants. Ph.D. from Rutgers University.  Restore Biodiversity with Keystone Plants – Krista De Cooke,Innovation Project Manager for Homegrown National Park.How the homeowner can improve biodiversity that supports the birds, and the insects on which they rely. M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee; MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Haslam College of Business. Register here  Once registered, you will be sent a reminder with the Zoom link the week of the event.
  11. Spring Celebration and Plant Sale – 4/20/2024 – Glencarlyn Library Demonstration Garden – Honor Arbor Day, Earth Day, plants and nature at the annual Spring Celebration and Plant Sale at the Glencarlyn Library Demonstration Garden in Arlington on Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Activites are available for the entire family including a kids’ table, family crafts in the library from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., a Master Gardener-led Tree Walk at 1, visits to Arlington’s oldest home the Ball-Sellers House all day, and nature-related vendors including native plants from Hill House Nursery, local vegetable and herb starts and plants propagated in the demonstration garden. Extension Master Gardeners will be on hand to help you find the right plant and answer your garden-related questions.
  12. Chesapeake Master Gardener Plant Sale – 4/26/2024 8-6 pm and 4/27/2024 8-noon at Warren Farms 448 S. Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23322 – Chesapeake – It’s Planting Time! Perennials, annuals, vegetables, herbs, native plants, trees, shrubs, & fruit trees. Ready to make your garden green. Expert advice available at the sale.
  13. How to Grow Beautiful Roses– 5/6/2024 – VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: How to Grow Beautiful Roses Speaker: Robert Gormley, VBMG Growing beautiful roses isn’t as difficult as most people think. This program outlines the steps to successfully growing the queen of flowers and the official flower of the United States. We also cover some problems you may encounter and how to overcome them Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!
  14. Nelson County Master Gardeners Annual Plant Sale – 05/04/2024 – Rockfish Valley Community Center – The Nelson County Master Gardeners annual Plant Sale will be held on the first Saturday in May (5/4) from 9 am to 1 pm . There will hundreds of plants available, including native perennials, annuals, vegetables, herbs, shrubs and trees. In addition, we will be raffling off baskets of garden items and selling gently used garden equipment in our Recycled Gardener sale. Please come and check out the plants!

Old Announcements – April:

  1. #inVAsivesFilm Screening: “Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species” – 4-20-24 from 2-4 PM at the Lyric Theater, Blacksburg VA. Uninvited introduces the concept of invasive species and explains how diverse partnerships and strategies can be used to prevent the spread of harmful species. Following the screening, a panel of invasive species professionals will be on hand to answer audience questions.
    1. If you’re not near Blacksburg, you can watch the film on your own here.
    2. As part of the documentary, they encourage viewers to report invasive species.  But we don’t use those reporting sites in Virginia.  Instead of using, Virginia residents are encouraged to report using or directly with VA DCR.  Both methods linked at this page:
  1. Suffolk EMG Plant Sale at the Earth & Arts Festival – 4/20/2024 – Downtown Suffolk
    1. Suffolk EMGs are again participating in the City’s Earth & Arts Festival, which includes the Master Gardeners’ Plant Sale. The event has moved to take over historic Downtown Suffolk on Main Street, from 10 – 4. Attendance is free, and the plant sale proceeds support VCE MG programming. EMGs will also hold a rain barrel workshop (registration/fee applies), planned native tree seedling giveaway, and children’s gardening booth. More detail, including plant list, to come in early April at
  1. Annual Spring Garden Fest! GPMGA – 4/27/2024 – Reynolds Community College – Goochland Campus – Annual Spring Garden Fest! Saturday, April 27, 2024 8 am to 3 pm Reynolds Community College 1851 Dickinson Road Goochland, VA A FREE, family friendly event that is a celebration of all things related to gardening so stop by to see: The GPMGA Plant Sale – a wide variety of plants at great prices! Ask the Master Gardener booth – free gardening help and advice Gardening vendor booths – lots of fun items to delight gardeners

Old Announcements May:

  1. HCMGA 22nd Annual Festival of Gardening – 5/4/2024 On the lawn outside city auditorium at Glass H.S. – Plants to satisfy vegetable gardeners, native plant enthusiasts, annuals, tropicals, houseplants, and more will be available at the 22nd annual Festival of Gardening sponsored by the Hill City Master Gardener Association on Saturday, May 4, on the grounds at E. C. Glass High School. Rain or shine, Master Gardeners will offer plants for sale from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
  2. Submit a digital brag board for College 2024! Showcase your unit’s amazing projects by creating a short presentation for us to play at virtual EMGC:
    1. Save the date! Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2024 will be held virtually June 5-9.
  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 4/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Saving & Starting Seeds
    2. 5/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Rain Barrels
    3. 6/6/2024 – 12 – 1 pm  All about African violets with Jill Fischer.
    4. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    5. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    6. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms


Biweekly Update – March 28


New Announcements

  1. Microgrant applications now open! Our 2024 grants will support local Extension Master Gardener (EMG) groups in their efforts to promote work on invasive species in their local communities. This could include efforts for new and innovative outreach events to raise awareness, speakers for EMG continuing education, upgrades to invasive species displays for plant clinics and outreach events, workshops, native plants as replacements for plants affected by invasive species in demonstration gardens and more. All proposals should show strong dedication to the EMG mission of sharing knowledge and empowering communities. Request up to $1000 for your EMG project.
    1. Learn more and find the application form here.
  2. Master Gardener College – Registration will open April 15 – Mark your calendars.
  3. EMG Webinar Series 2024: All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar
    1.  #inVAsivesApril 22, 1:00pm | Scott M. Salom – Overview of invasive forest insects pests in VA – Join Dr. Scott Salom of Virginia Tech’s entomology department for this introduction to forest and insect pests in Virginia. Register now
  4. #inVAsivesFilm Screening: “Uninvited: The Spread of Invasive Species” – 4-20-24 from 2-4 PM at the Lyric Theater, Blacksburg VA. Uninvited introduces the concept of invasive species and explains how diverse partnerships and strategies can be used to prevent the spread of harmful species. Following the screening, a panel of invasive species professionals will be on hand to answer audience questions.
    1. If you’re not near Blacksburg, you can watch the film on your own here.
    2. As part of the documentary, they encourage viewers to report invasive species.  But we don’t use those reporting sites in Virginia.  Instead of using, Virginia residents are encouraged to report using or directly with VA DCR.  Both methods linked at this page:
  5. VMGA Spring Continuing Education – Conservation Landscaping – 5/18/2024  Via Zoom – The Science and Practical Application to Create or Restore Biodiversity in the Home Garden Restoration Ecology of Urban Trees – Dr. David Burke, Ph.D. from Rutgers University, Research Chair of the Holden Arboretum. Concentrating on soil ecology, his presentation examines interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, especially mutualistic and associative soil organisms, to restore critical balances in urban trees and plants. Restore Biodiversity with Keystone Plants -Krista De Cooke, Innovation Project Manager for Homegrown National Park. How the homeowner can improve biodiversity that supports the birds, and the insects on which they rely. Krista has an M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee, MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Haslam College of Business. Watch the Bi-Weekly Update for a registration link
  6. HCMGA 22nd Annual Festival of Gardening – 5/4/2024 On the lawn outside city auditorium at Glass H.S. – Plants to satisfy vegetable gardeners, native plant enthusiasts, annuals, tropicals, houseplants, and more will be available at the 22nd annual Festival of Gardening sponsored by the Hill City Master Gardener Association on Saturday, May 4, on the grounds at E. C. Glass High School. Rain or shine, Master Gardeners will offer plants for sale from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
  7. Spring Celebration and Plant Sale – 4/20/2024 – Glencarlyn Library Demonstration Garden – Honor Arbor Day, Earth Day, plants and nature at the annual Spring Celebration and Plant Sale at the Glencarlyn Library Demonstration Garden in Arlington on Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Activites are available for the entire family including a kids’ table, family crafts in the library from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., a Master Gardener-led Tree Walk at 1, visits to Arlington’s oldest home the Ball-Sellers House all day, and nature-related vendors including native plants from Hill House Nursery, local vegetable and herb starts and plants propagated in the demonstration garden. Extension Master Gardeners will be on hand to help you find the right plant and answer your garden-related questions.
  8. Chesapeake Master Gardener Plant Sale – 4/26/2024 8-6 pm and 4/27/2024 8-noon at Warren Farms 448 S. Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake, VA 23322 – Chesapeake – It’s Planting Time! Perennials, annuals, vegetables, herbs, native plants, trees, shrubs, & fruit trees. Ready to make your garden green. Expert advice available at the sale.


Old Announcements – April:

  1. Epic Tomatoes from YOUR Garden – 4/8/2024 Online – Zoom
    1. VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Epic Tomatoes from YOUR Garden Speaker: Craig LeHoullier, Author, Storey Publishing; Advisor for tomatoes, Seed Savers Exchange This colorful, fast paced, info packed workshop takes participants deep into Craig’s world of tomatoes (based on 40 years of gardening), from planning and seed selection through seed saving. The first part of the talk focuses on stories, history and varieties, and the second on all cultural aspects of successfully growing tomatoes in the audience’s growing conditions. The objective is to help the audience members successfully navigate the diverse world of tomatoes so that they are happy with their tomato growing results Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!
  1. Save the Date! The Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Virginia Cooperative Extension Invite You to the 30th Annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar “Creating Outdoor Spaces-Defining Your Lifestyle”. Saturday, April 13, 2024. Lancaster Elementary School, 191 School St., Kilmarnock, VA. Registration Opens February 1, 2024.
  2. MGACRA 2024 Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future” – 4/13/2024 – Gari Melchers Home & Studio, 224 Washington St., Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22405.
    1. The Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area invite you to join us for our 12th Annual Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future.” We have three guest speakers: Dr. Leonard Githinji presenting Introduction to Sustainable Gardening, and, back by popular demand, Bryce Lane presenting two sessions “So You Want A Garden: First Steps to Growing Your Own Food.” and “Is it Warm in Here?: New Approaches to Gardening in a Changing Climate”, and Jenny Rose Carey presenting Become the Ultimate Flower Gardener! All attendees will be able to explore the gardens at the Belmont Estate, spend time in their outstanding museum gift store, and visit with fellow Master Gardeners. Tickets are $85.00 which includes a full day of thought-provoking lectures focusing on purposeful gardening and includes morning coffee/tea & light breakfast, a delicious buffet lunch, and afternoon cookies. Registration is now open. You can get a registration form online at
  1. Suffolk EMG Plant Sale at the Earth & Arts Festival – 4/20/2024 – Downtown Suffolk
    1. Suffolk EMGs are again participating in the City’s Earth & Arts Festival, which includes the Master Gardeners’ Plant Sale. The event has moved to take over historic Downtown Suffolk on Main Street, from 10 – 4. Attendance is free, and the plant sale proceeds support VCE MG programming. EMGs will also hold a rain barrel workshop (registration/fee applies), planned native tree seedling giveaway, and children’s gardening booth. More detail, including plant list, to come in early April at
  1. Annual Spring Garden Fest! GPMGA – 4/27/2024 – Reynolds Community College – Goochland Campus – Annual Spring Garden Fest! Saturday, April 27, 2024 8 am to 3 pm Reynolds Community College 1851 Dickinson Road Goochland, VA A FREE, family friendly event that is a celebration of all things related to gardening so stop by to see: The GPMGA Plant Sale – a wide variety of plants at great prices! Ask the Master Gardener booth – free gardening help and advice Gardening vendor booths – lots of fun items to delight gardeners

Old Announcements:

  1. Submit a digital brag board for College 2024! Showcase your unit’s amazing projects by creating a short presentation for us to play at virtual EMGC:
    1. Save the date! Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2024 will be held virtually June 5-9.
  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 4/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Saving & Starting Seeds
    2. 5/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Rain Barrels
    3. 6/6/2024 – 12 – 1 pm  All about African violets with Jill Fischer.
    4. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    5. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    6. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms


Biweekly Update – March 8

New Announcements

  1. Microgrant applications now open! Our 2024 grants will support local Extension Master Gardener (EMG) groups in their efforts to promote work on invasive species in their local communities. This could include efforts for new and innovative outreach events to raise awareness, speakers for EMG continuing education, upgrades to invasive species displays for plant clinics and outreach events, workshops, native plants as replacements for plants affected by invasive species in demonstration gardens and more. All proposals should show strong dedication to the EMG mission of sharing knowledge and empowering communities. Request up to $1000 for your EMG project. Learn more and find the application form here.
  2. EMG Webinar Series 2024: All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar:
    • March 18, 11:00 am | Piedmont EMGs and Habitat for Humanity Partnership – Ralph Morini and Rozanne Oliver, Piedmont Extension Master Gardener: Piedmont EMGs have successfully worked with their local Habitat for Humanity to ensure that new homeowners have the skills and materials they need to succeed with their new landscapes. Learn about their program and partnership. Register now
  3. Fruit Selection Workshop Thursday, May 9, 2024 · 1–3 pm · FREE
    • Edible Landscaping, 361 Spirit Ridge Lane, Afton, VA –  Selecting the correct crop or blend of crops is critical to the success of a small farm. Many options and decisions must be researched before establishing a production system. Edible Landscaping is a well-established, knowledgeable source of information and a source for many varieties of fruiting plants. Please join us and take a tour of the facility while being presented with the latest on selecting fruit varieties. Learn more about the fruit selection workshop
  4. Annual Spring Garden Fest! GPMGA – 4/27/2024 – Reynolds Community College – Goochland Campus – Annual Spring Garden Fest! Saturday, April 27, 2024 8 am to 3 pm Reynolds Community College 1851 Dickinson Road Goochland, VA A FREE, family friendly event that is a celebration of all things related to gardening so stop by to see: The GPMGA Plant Sale – a wide variety of plants at great prices! Ask the Master Gardener booth – free gardening help and advice Gardening vendor booths – lots of fun items to delight gardeners
  5. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 3/1/2024 – 12:00:00 Spring pruning with David Fowlkes —  We are lucky to have Mr Fowlkes come and share his vast knowledge about Spring Pruning and all things garden. Many people are familiar with Mr Fowlkes who kept Farmville’s landscapes so beautiful for many years. His knowledge is so vast and we are lucky to have him share with us! At Noon – bring your lunch to munch

    1. 4/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Saving & Starting Seeds
    2. 5/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Rain Barrels
    3. 6/6/2024 – 12 – 1 pm  All about African violets with Jill Fischer.
    4. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    5. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    6. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms
  1. Do you need coloring sheets for events? Here are some cool bee sheets from the VT Bee Lab!

Old Announcements – March:


  1. Submit a digital brag board for College 2024! Showcase your unit’s amazing projects by creating a short presentation for us to play at virtual EMGC:
  2. Patrick County Master Gardeners Spring Symposium: Master Your Garden – March 9, 2024 Patrick & Henry Community College 212 Wood Brothers Drive, Stuart VA 24171
    • Registration: $10 payable by check or money order via mail or at the door 8:30am Doors Open 9am – Welcome 9:15-10:45am – Eli Roberson – “Using Container Gardens to Lower Your Grocery Bill” 10:45-11:30am – Break – coffee, tea, snacks, and vendors 11:30am-12:50 – Eric Johnson – “Old Salem Heirloom Gardens & Their Legacy Today” 12:50pm – Closing
  1. GROW THE GOOD LIFE – Bedford Area Master Gardeners – March 9 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
    • As you begin your garden plans for 2024, the Bedford Master Gardeners offer some helpful instruction and advice with our annual Grow The Good Life program. This year’s seminar will be three presentations on gardening with a focus on the environment. The seminar will be on March 9, 2024, in-person at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 13586 Old Moneta Road, Moneta, VA from 9AM to 3PM. The speakers for this year’s Grow The Good Life are Joe Lamp’l, Jim McCormac, and Jim McGlone.
    • The registration fee for attending the event in person covers the three speakers, your choice of lunch, and plenty of time to visit with our wonderful vendors, including Justin Kelley — a professional tool sharpener. The lunch selection options will be given during registration checkout.
    • More information here:
  1. VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, March 11, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Plant This, Not That with Stacie McGraw, VB Master Gardener
    • Looking for reliable, easy to grow perennials and shrubs? Thinking about planting natives, but worried that your garden will look weedy? This talk will explore tried and true native alternatives to common landscape plants with a focus on natives that behave and perform well in a variety of growing conditions and garden styles. Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!
  2. Small Fruit Class – Lexington – 3/19/2024 – Learn about blackberry and raspberry production! Dinner provided, class fee $25/person or $30/couple. Learn more


Old Announcements – April:

  1. Epic Tomatoes from YOUR Garden – 4/8/2024 Online – Zoom
    • VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Epic Tomatoes from YOUR Garden Speaker: Craig LeHoullier, Author, Storey Publishing; Advisor for tomatoes, Seed Savers Exchange This colorful, fast paced, info packed workshop takes participants deep into Craig’s world of tomatoes (based on 40 years of gardening), from planning and seed selection through seed saving. The first part of the talk focuses on stories, history and varieties, and the second on all cultural aspects of successfully growing tomatoes in the audience’s growing conditions. The objective is to help the audience members successfully navigate the diverse world of tomatoes so that they are happy with their tomato growing results Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!
  2. Save the Date! The Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Virginia Cooperative Extension Invite You to the 30th Annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar “Creating Outdoor Spaces-Defining Your Lifestyle”. Saturday, April 13, 2024. Lancaster Elementary School, 191 School St., Kilmarnock, VA. Registration Opens February 1, 2024.
  3. MGACRA 2024 Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future” – 4/13/2024 – Gari Melchers Home & Studio, 224 Washington St., Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22405.
    • The Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area invite you to join us for our 12th Annual Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future.” We have three guest speakers: Dr. Leonard Githinji presenting Introduction to Sustainable Gardening, and, back by popular demand, Bryce Lane presenting two sessions “So You Want A Garden: First Steps to Growing Your Own Food.” and “Is it Warm in Here?: New Approaches to Gardening in a Changing Climate”, and Jenny Rose Carey presenting Become the Ultimate Flower Gardener! All attendees will be able to explore the gardens at the Belmont Estate, spend time in their outstanding museum gift store, and visit with fellow Master Gardeners. Tickets are $85.00 which includes a full day of thought-provoking lectures focusing on purposeful gardening and includes morning coffee/tea & light breakfast, a delicious buffet lunch, and afternoon cookies. Registration is now open. You can get a registration form online at
  4. Suffolk EMG Plant Sale at the Earth & Arts Festival – 4/20/2024 – Downtown Suffolk
    • Suffolk EMGs are again participating in the City’s Earth & Arts Festival, which includes the Master Gardeners’ Plant Sale. The event has moved to take over historic Downtown Suffolk on Main Street, from 10 – 4. Attendance is free, and the plant sale proceeds support VCE MG programming. EMGs will also hold a rain barrel workshop (registration/fee applies), planned native tree seedling giveaway, and children’s gardening booth. More detail, including plant list, to come in early April at

Old Announcements:

  1. VT Sweet Satisfaction Survey – Did you receive edamame seeds from the VT Sweet research program? If so, please fill out this survey and let the researchers know your thoughts:
    • Want to request more edamame seeds for an EMG project (community or school garden)? Email Patrick at

Biweekly Update – February 28

New Announcements

  1. EMG Webinar Series 2024: All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar:
    • March 18, 11:00 am | Piedmont EMGs and Habitat for Humanity Partnership – Ralph Morini and Rozanne Oliver, Piedmont Extension Master Gardener: Piedmont EMGs have successfully worked with their local Habitat for Humanity to ensure that new homeowners have the skills and materials they need to succeed with their new landscapes. Learn about their program and partnership. Register now
  2. Submit a digital brag board for College 2024! Showcase your unit’s amazing projects by creating a short presentation for us to play at virtual EMGC:
  3. Invasive Plants in Southside Virginia –  3/8/2024 – South Boston Halifax County Museum 1540 Wilborn Ave. South Boston, VA 24592
    • Natalie Walker will discuss common invasive plants in Southside Virginia and their negative impact on our environment.
  4. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    • 3/1/2024 – 12:00:00 Spring pruning with David FowlkesWe are lucky to have Mr Fowlkes come and share his vast knowledge about Spring Pruning and all things garden. Many people are familiar with Mr Fowlkes who kept Farmville’s landscapes so beautiful for many years. His knowledge is so vast and we are lucky to have him share with us! At Noon – bring your lunch to munch
    • 4/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Saving & Starting Seeds
    • 5/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Rain Barrels
    • 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    • 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms
  1. Suffolk EMG Plant Sale at the Earth & Arts Festival – 4/20/2024 – Downtown Suffolk
    • Suffolk EMGs are again participating in the City’s Earth & Arts Festival, which includes the Master Gardeners’ Plant Sale. The event has moved to take over historic Downtown Suffolk on Main Street, from 10 – 4. Attendance is free, and the plant sale proceeds support VCE MG programming. EMGs will also hold a rain barrel workshop (registration/fee applies), planned native tree seedling giveaway, and children’s gardening booth. More detail, including plant list, to come in early April at
  2. Epic Tomatoes from YOUR Garden – 4/8/2024 Online – Zoom
    • VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Epic Tomatoes from YOUR Garden Speaker: Craig LeHoullier, Author, Storey Publishing; Advisor for tomatoes, Seed Savers Exchange This colorful, fast paced, info packed workshop takes participants deep into Craig’s world of tomatoes (based on 40 years of gardening), from planning and seed selection through seed saving. The first part of the talk focuses on stories, history and varieties, and the second on all cultural aspects of successfully growing tomatoes in the audience’s growing conditions. The objective is to help the audience members successfully navigate the diverse world of tomatoes so that they are happy with their tomato growing results Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!
  3. Small Fruit Class – Lexington – 3/19/2024 – Learn about blackberry and raspberry production! Dinner provided, class fee $25/person or $30/couple. Learn more

Old Announcements – March:

  1. Northern Shenandoah Valley 2024 Symposium – March 2, 2024 – Middletown, VA
  2. Patrick County Master Gardeners Spring Symposium: Master Your Garden – March 9, 2024 Patrick & Henry Community College 212 Wood Brothers Drive, Stuart VA 24171
    • Registration: $10 payable by check or money order via mail or at the door 8:30am Doors Open 9am – Welcome 9:15-10:45am – Eli Roberson – “Using Container Gardens to Lower Your Grocery Bill” 10:45-11:30am – Break – coffee, tea, snacks, and vendors 11:30am-12:50 – Eric Johnson – “Old Salem Heirloom Gardens & Their Legacy Today” 12:50pm – Closing
  1. GROW THE GOOD LIFE – Bedford Area Master Gardeners – March 9 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  2. As you begin your garden plans for 2024, the Bedford Master Gardeners offer some helpful instruction and advice with our annual Grow The Good Life program. This year’s seminar will be three presentations on gardening with a focus on the environment. The seminar will be on March 9, 2024, in-person at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 13586 Old Moneta Road, Moneta, VA from 9AM to 3PM. The speakers for this year’s Grow The Good Life are Joe Lamp’l, Jim McCormac, and Jim McGlone.
  1. VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, March 11, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Plant This, Not That with Stacie McGraw, VB Master Gardener
    • Looking for reliable, easy to grow perennials and shrubs? Thinking about planting natives, but worried that your garden will look weedy? This talk will explore tried and true native alternatives to common landscape plants with a focus on natives that behave and perform well in a variety of growing conditions and garden styles. Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!


Old Announcements – April:

  1. Save the Date! The Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Virginia Cooperative Extension Invite You to the 30th Annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar “Creating Outdoor Spaces-Defining Your Lifestyle”. Saturday, April 13, 2024. Lancaster Elementary School, 191 School St., Kilmarnock, VA. Registration Opens February 1, 2024.
  2. MGACRA 2024 Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future” – 4/13/2024 – Gari Melchers Home & Studio, 224 Washington St., Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22405.
    • The Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area invite you to join us for our 12th Annual Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future.” We have three guest speakers: Dr. Leonard Githinji presenting Introduction to Sustainable Gardening, and, back by popular demand, Bryce Lane presenting two sessions “So You Want A Garden: First Steps to Growing Your Own Food.” and “Is it Warm in Here?: New Approaches to Gardening in a Changing Climate”, and Jenny Rose Carey presenting Become the Ultimate Flower Gardener! All attendees will be able to explore the gardens at the Belmont Estate, spend time in their outstanding museum gift store, and visit with fellow Master Gardeners. Tickets are $85.00 which includes a full day of thought-provoking lectures focusing on purposeful gardening and includes morning coffee/tea & light breakfast, a delicious buffet lunch, and afternoon cookies. Registration is now open. You can get a registration form online at

Old Announcements:

  1. VT Sweet Satisfaction Survey – Did you receive edamame seeds from the VT Sweet research program? If so, please fill out this survey and let the researchers know your thoughts:
    • Want to request more edamame seeds for an EMG project (community or school garden)? Email Patrick at

Biweekly Update – February 15

New Announcements – State Office:

  1. EMG Webinar Series 2024: All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar:
    1. February 16, 11:00 am | Gravel Bed Planting – Barb Bailey, Loudoun Extension Master Gardener Coordinator: Loudoun Extension Master Gardeners maintain a gravel bed planting project where they raise trees that will be planted at Tree Steward sites. Gravel beds are irrigated bed or pile of gravel where woody plants are planted for several months to increase fibrous root systems. Register now
    2. March 18, 11:00 am | Piedmont EMGs and Habitat for Humanity Partnership – Ralph Morini and Rozanne Oliver, Piedmont Extension Master Gardener: Piedmont EMGs have successfully worked with their local Habitat for Humanity to ensure that new homeowners have the skills and materials they need to succeed with their new landscapes. Learn about their program and partnership. Register now
  2. Submit a digital brag board for College 2024! Showcase your unit’s amazing projects by creating a short presentation for us to play at virtual EMGC:
    1. Save the date! Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2024 will be held virtually June 5-9.
  3. Giving Day 2024 – Save the date for Virginia Tech Giving Day – Noon February 21-22. Donations benefit our micro-grant program!


Old Announcements – February:  

  1. GreenScapes Symposium 2024 – Join Brookside Gardens for a day of virtual lectures on Friday, February 16, 2024, as industry experts share valuable lessons from the field that fill in the gap between sustainable design theory and practice. Learn how to create masterpieces for all season interest using naturalistic planting designs with strong perennials and grasses. Lectures will reimagine traditional landscapes with native plants and offer the latest in ecologically focused management strategies. Take advantage of the Early Bird fee of $50 that ends on Friday, January 12. All sessions will be recorded and made available online to registrants. For more information and to register online, visit
  2. Garden Expo with Seed Share – February 17: Save the date and join the Louisa Extension Master Gardeners for the Garden Expo with Seed Share!! (Formerly known as Seed Swap).
    1. The Expo will be held at Louisa Baptist Church, 305 East Main Street, Louisa, VA. The event will provide free seeds, free gardening presentations, community organizations, door prize giveaways and a basket raffle. Bring your dried, labeled seeds if you have them to share. However, bringing seeds is NOT required. We hope to see you there! For more Information, please go to: or the Louisa Extension Master Gardeners Facebook Page.


Old Announcements – March:


  1. Northern Shenandoah Valley 2024 Symposium – March 2, 2024 – Middletown, VA
  2. Patrick County Master Gardeners Spring Symposium: Master Your Garden – March 9, 2024 Patrick & Henry Community College 212 Wood Brothers Drive, Stuart VA 24171
    1. Registration: $10 payable by check or money order via mail or at the door 8:30am Doors Open 9am – Welcome 9:15-10:45am – Eli Roberson – “Using Container Gardens to Lower Your Grocery Bill” 10:45-11:30am – Break – coffee, tea, snacks, and vendors 11:30am-12:50 – Eric Johnson – “Old Salem Heirloom Gardens & Their Legacy Today” 12:50pm – Closing
  1. GROW THE GOOD LIFE – Bedford Area Master Gardeners – March 9 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
    1. As you begin your garden plans for 2024, the Bedford Master Gardeners offer some helpful instruction and advice with our annual Grow The Good Life program. This year’s seminar will be three presentations on gardening with a focus on the environment. The seminar will be on March 9, 2024, in-person at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 13586 Old Moneta Road, Moneta, VA from 9AM to 3PM. The speakers for this year’s Grow The Good Life are Joe Lamp’l, Jim McCormac, and Jim McGlone.
    2. The registration fee for attending the event in person covers the three speakers, your choice of lunch, and plenty of time to visit with our wonderful vendors, including Justin Kelley — a professional tool sharpener. The lunch selection options will be given during registration checkout.
    3. More information here:
  1. VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, March 11, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Plant This, Not That with Stacie McGraw, VB Master Gardener
    1. Looking for reliable, easy to grow perennials and shrubs? Thinking about planting natives, but worried that your garden will look weedy? This talk will explore tried and true native alternatives to common landscape plants with a focus on natives that behave and perform well in a variety of growing conditions and garden styles. Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!


Old Announcements – April:

  1. Save the Date! The Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Virginia Cooperative Extension Invite You to the 30th Annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar “Creating Outdoor Spaces-Defining Your Lifestyle”. Saturday, April 13, 2024. Lancaster Elementary School, 191 School St., Kilmarnock, VA. Registration Opens February 1, 2024.
  2. MGACRA 2024 Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future” – 4/13/2024 – Gari Melchers Home & Studio, 224 Washington St., Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22405.
    1. The Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area invite you to join us for our 12th Annual Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future.” We have three guest speakers: Dr. Leonard Githinji presenting Introduction to Sustainable Gardening, and, back by popular demand, Bryce Lane presenting two sessions “So You Want A Garden: First Steps to Growing Your Own Food.” and “Is it Warm in Here?: New Approaches to Gardening in a Changing Climate”, and Jenny Rose Carey presenting Become the Ultimate Flower Gardener! All attendees will be able to explore the gardens at the Belmont Estate, spend time in their outstanding museum gift store, and visit with fellow Master Gardeners. Tickets are $85.00 which includes a full day of thought-provoking lectures focusing on purposeful gardening and includes morning coffee/tea & light breakfast, a delicious buffet lunch, and afternoon cookies. Registration is now open. You can get a registration form online at

Old Announcements:

  1. VT Sweet Satisfaction Survey – Did you receive edamame seeds from the VT Sweet research program? If so, please fill out this survey and let the researchers know your thoughts:
    1. Want to request more edamame seeds for an EMG project (community or school garden)? Email Patrick at


Biweekly Update – February 2

New Announcements – State Office:

  1. Submit a digital brag board for College 2024! Showcase your unit’s amazing projects by creating a short presentation for us to play at virtual EMGC. Deadline: May 30: Submit your brag board here!
    • Save the date! Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2024 will be held virtually June 5-9. Registration opens early-mid April.
  2. Giving Day 2024 – Save the date for Virginia Tech Giving Day – Noon February 21-22. Donations benefit our micro-grant program!
  3. EMG Webinar Series 2024: All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar:
    • February 16, 11:00 am | Gravel Bed Planting – Barb Bailey, Loudoun Extension Master Gardener Coordinator: Loudoun Extension Master Gardeners maintain a gravel bed planting project where they raise trees that will be planted at Tree Steward sites. Gravel beds are irrigated bed or pile of gravel where woody plants are planted for several months to increase fibrous root systems. Register now
    • March 18, 11:00 am | Piedmont EMGs and Habitat for Humanity Partnership – Ralph Morini and Rozanne Oliver, Piedmont Extension Master Gardener: Piedmont EMGs have successfully worked with their local Habitat for Humanity to ensure that new homeowners have the skills and materials they need to succeed with their new landscapes. Learn about their program and partnership. Register now
  4. “Volunteering with the EMG program” document available in BI: The old handbook’s chapter 1 “Intro to Master Gardenering” is not present in the new version of the handbook. Until we produce a replacement document, please see an adaption of old chapter 1 in BI titled “Volunteering with the EMG Program.”
    • To locate: Select files” from the dropdown menu on the My Profile button.  The document is then located in the EMG Documents folder.

New Announcements – Events:

  1. Garden Expo with Seed Share – February 17: Save the date and join the Louisa Extension Master Gardeners for the Garden Expo with Seed Share!! (Formerly known as Seed Swap).
    • The Expo will be held at Louisa Baptist Church, 305 East Main Street, Louisa, VA. The event will provide free seeds, free gardening presentations, community organizations, door prize giveaways and a basket raffle. Bring your dried, labeled seeds if you have them to share. However, bringing seeds is NOT required. We hope to see you there! For more Information, please go to: or the Louisa Extension Master Gardeners Facebook Page.
  1. Patrick County Master Gardeners Spring Symposium: Master Your Garden – March 9, 2024 Patrick & Henry Community College 212 Wood Brothers Drive, Stuart VA 24171
    • Registration: $10 payable by check or money order via mail or at the door 8:30am Doors Open 9am – Welcome 9:15-10:45am – Eli Roberson – “Using Container Gardens to Lower Your Grocery Bill” 10:45-11:30am – Break – coffee, tea, snacks, and vendors 11:30am-12:50 – Eric Johnson – “Old Salem Heirloom Gardens & Their Legacy Today” 12:50pm – Closing


  1. GROW THE GOOD LIFE – Bedford Area Master Gardeners – March 9 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
    • As you begin your garden plans for 2024, the Bedford Master Gardeners offer some helpful instruction and advice with our annual Grow The Good Life program. This year’s seminar will be three presentations on gardening with a focus on the environment. The seminar will be on March 9, 2024, in-person at Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 13586 Old Moneta Road, Moneta, VA from 9AM to 3PM. The speakers for this year’s Grow The Good Life are Joe Lamp’l, Jim McCormac, and Jim McGlone.
    • The registration fee for attending the event in person covers the three speakers, your choice of lunch, and plenty of time to visit with our wonderful vendors, including Justin Kelley — a professional tool sharpener. The lunch selection options will be given during registration checkout.
    • More information here:
  1. VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, March 11, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Plant This, Not That with Stacie McGraw, VB Master Gardener
    • Looking for reliable, easy to grow perennials and shrubs? Thinking about planting natives, but worried that your garden will look weedy? This talk will explore tried and true native alternatives to common landscape plants with a focus on natives that behave and perform well in a variety of growing conditions and garden styles. Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!

Old Announcements – February:

  1. Spring to Green 2024, February 3rd, 2024, Olde Agricultural Center
    • “Spring to Green” is Back!!!! Come join us for the Danville Master Gardeners 11th annual Spring to Green ” Work Less, More Garden ” 9am to 3pm on February 3rd 2024.@ Olde Agricultural Center 19783 US HWY 29 Chatham, VA 24531. Speakers are Pat Lust, Bryce Lane and Mary Ann Hansen. To register or go to to get a mail in registration form or to get more information.
  1. 6th Annual Prince William Native Plant Symposium – Saturday, February 10, 2024
    9:00 am – 4:00 pm Featuring keynote speaker Keith Tomlinson, Smithsonian Associates Study Leader
  2. GreenScapes Symposium 2024 – Join Brookside Gardens for a day of virtual lectures on Friday, February 16, 2024, as industry experts share valuable lessons from the field that fill in the gap between sustainable design theory and practice. Learn how to create masterpieces for all season interest using naturalistic planting designs with strong perennials and grasses. Lectures will reimagine traditional landscapes with native plants and offer the latest in ecologically focused management strategies. Take advantage of the Early Bird fee of $50 that ends on Friday, January 12. All sessions will be recorded and made available online to registrants. For more information and to register online, visit

Old Announcements – March:


  1. Northern Shenandoah Valley 2024 Symposium – March 2, 2024 – Middletown, VA


Old Announcements – April:

  1. Save the Date! The Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Virginia Cooperative Extension Invite You to the 30th Annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar “Creating Outdoor Spaces-Defining Your Lifestyle”. Saturday, April 13, 2024. Lancaster Elementary School, 191 School St., Kilmarnock, VA. Registration Opens February 1, 2024.
  2. MGACRA 2024 Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future” – 4/13/2024 – Gari Melchers Home & Studio, 224 Washington St., Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22405.
    • The Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area invite you to join us for our 12th Annual Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future.” We have three guest speakers: Dr. Leonard Githinji presenting Introduction to Sustainable Gardening, and, back by popular demand, Bryce Lane presenting two sessions “So You Want A Garden: First Steps to Growing Your Own Food.” and “Is it Warm in Here?: New Approaches to Gardening in a Changing Climate”, and Jenny Rose Carey presenting Become the Ultimate Flower Gardener! All attendees will be able to explore the gardens at the Belmont Estate, spend time in their outstanding museum gift store, and visit with fellow Master Gardeners. Tickets are $85.00 which includes a full day of thought-provoking lectures focusing on purposeful gardening and includes morning coffee/tea & light breakfast, a delicious buffet lunch, and afternoon cookies. Registration is now open. You can get a registration form online at

Old Announcements:

  1. VT Sweet Satisfaction Survey – Did you receive edamame seeds from the VT Sweet research program? If so, please fill out this survey and let the researchers know your thoughts:
    1. Want to request more edamame seeds for an EMG project (community or school garden)? Email Patrick at


Biweekly Update – January 12

New Announcements

  1. Save the date! Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2024 will be held virtually June 5-9. This will be a 5-day conference with one day of regional, in-person tours, 4 days virtual with one keynote and one concurrent each day. Sessions will be recorded and available to registrations after the conference as well.
  2. Giving Day 2024 – Save the date for Virginia Tech Giving Day – Noon February 21-22. Donations benefit our micro-grant program!
  3. EMG Webinar Series 2024: All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar:
    1. February 16, 11:00 am | Gravel Bed Planting – Barb Bailey, Loudoun Extension Master Gardener Coordinator: Loudoun Extension Master Gardeners maintain a gravel bed planting project where they raise trees that will be planted at Tree Steward sites. Gravel beds are irrigated bed or pile of gravel where woody plants are planted for several months to increase fibrous root systems. Register now
    2. March 18, 11:00 am | Piedmont EMGs and Habitat for Humanity Partnership – Ralph Morini and Rozanne Oliver, Piedmont Extension Master Gardener: Piedmont EMGs have successfully worked with their local Habitat for Humanity to ensure that new homeowners have the skills and materials they need to succeed with their new landscapes. Learn about their program and partnership. Register now
  4. VT Sweet Satisfaction Survey – Did you receive edamame seeds from the VT Sweet research program? If so, please fill out this survey and let the researchers know your thoughts:
    1. Want to request more edamame seeds for an EMG project (community or school garden)? Email Patrick at

Spring symposiums and educational opportunities:

  1. Phenology: Tracking Seasonal Changes in Plants and Animals, January 22 – Zoom – VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, January 22, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Phenology: Tracking Seasonal Changes in Plants and Animals Speakers: Lisa Wallace, Associate Professor of Biology; and Robert Stiffler Distinguished Professor of Botany, Old Dominion University Climate change is shifting the natural world in many ways. You’ve perhaps experienced the tidal changes felt across Hampton Roads with rising sea levels, but did you know that plants and animals are changing their yearly growth patterns too? Scientists around the globe are eager to understand these responses of plants and animals to a warming climate and rely on a network of volunteers who regularly observe species at their homes and in local parks and botanical gardens. In this talk, I’ll explain what phenological research is, discuss some of the findings scientists have made recently, and show you how you can become an observer and help us learn more about the changes happening in Southeastern Virginia. Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!
  2. Spring to Green 2024, February 3rd, 2024, Olde Agricultural Center
    1. “Spring to Green” is Back!!!! Come join us for the Danville Master Gardeners 11th annual Spring to Green ” Work Less, More Garden ” 9am to 3pm on February 3rd 2024.@ Olde Agricultural Center 19783 US HWY 29 Chatham, VA 24531. Speakers are Pat Lust, Bryce Lane and Mary Ann Hansen. To register or go to to get a mail in registration form or to get more information.
  3. 6th Annual Prince William Native Plant Symposium – Saturday, February 10, 2024
    9:00 am – 4:00 pm Featuring keynote speaker Keith Tomlinson, Smithsonian Associates Study Leader
  4. GreenScapes Symposium 2024 – Join Brookside Gardens for a day of virtual lectures on Friday, February 16, 2024, as industry experts share valuable lessons from the field that fill in the gap between sustainable design theory and practice. Learn how to create masterpieces for all season interest using naturalistic planting designs with strong perennials and grasses. Lectures will reimagine traditional landscapes with native plants and offer the latest in ecologically focused management strategies. Take advantage of the Early Bird fee of $50 that ends on Friday, January 12. All sessions will be recorded and made available online to registrants. For more information and to register online, visit
  5. Save the Date! The Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Virginia Cooperative Extension Invite You to the 30th Annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar “Creating Outdoor Spaces-Defining Your Lifestyle”. Saturday, April 13, 2024. Lancaster Elementary School, 191 School St., Kilmarnock, VA. Registration Opens February 1, 2024.
  6. MGACRA 2024 Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future” – 4/13/2024 – Gari Melchers Home & Studio, 224 Washington St., Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22405.
    1. The Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area invite you to join us for our 12th Annual Spring Symposium “Sustainable Gardening – Growing a Greener Future.” We have three guest speakers: Dr. Leonard Githinji presenting Introduction to Sustainable Gardening, and, back by popular demand, Bryce Lane presenting two sessions “So You Want A Garden: First Steps to Growing Your Own Food.” and “Is it Warm in Here?: New Approaches to Gardening in a Changing Climate”, and Jenny Rose Carey presenting Become the Ultimate Flower Gardener! All attendees will be able to explore the gardens at the Belmont Estate, spend time in their outstanding museum gift store, and visit with fellow Master Gardeners. Tickets are $85.00 which includes a full day of thought-provoking lectures focusing on purposeful gardening and includes morning coffee/tea & light breakfast, a delicious buffet lunch, and afternoon cookies. Registration is now open. You can get a registration form online at
  7. Northern Shenandoah Valley 2024 Symposium – March 2, 2024 – Middletown, VA

Old Announcements:

  1. Extension Master Gardener handbook (2023 edition) now available!
    1. Revisions and updates to the EMG Training Handbook have been completed. The 2023 edition of the handbook can be downloaded by visiting: The digital textbook version has been published and can be found here: The print version is available here:

Biweekly Update – November 6

New Announcements

  1. EMG Webinar Series 2023: The EMG monthly webinar series has returned! We look forward to bringing you a wide range of new and interesting topics. All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar:
    1. November 17 at 1:00 pm – Landscaping for Birds – Dr. Robin Puffenbarger – Register for November webinar here
  2. VMGA Education Event – November 11, 2023 The Nelson Center, 8445 Thomas Nelson Hwy. Lovingston, VA
    1. Join us November 11th for three lectures designed to increase your plant disease diagnostic skills. From 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, you will hear about the process of problem solving regardless of the plant or pest, Growing Degree Days and Plant Phenological indicators, and apply your knowledge to problem solving issues with the popular boxwood landscape plant. There will be an optional lunch at Saunders Brothers Nursery Farm Market, 12:45 – 1:30 pm (with the option of shopping). There is an optional tour if their growing fields and greenhouses, 1:30-3:00 pm for the first 35 folks registrants. Details and information to register is at  Lunch selections must be made by November 2, 2023. Registration is just $5.00 for VMGA members, $20.00 for non-members – another reason to join VMGA! (Registration webpage gives you the option to click to become a member.)
  3. 30th annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar – April 13, 2024
    1. The Northern Neck Master Gardeners and Virginia Cooperative Extension Invite you to the 30thannual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar Saturday, April 13, 2024. The Theme this year is “Creating Outdoor Spaces: Defining Your Lifestyle”. The location is the Lancaster Elementary School, 191 School St., Kilmarnock, VA. The three featured speakers are: Mary Palmer Dargen, Barbara W. Ellis, and Lorraine Ballato. Registration opens February 1, 2024 at

Old Announcements:

Other old announcements:

  1. Save the date! Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2024 will be held virtually June 5-9. This will be a 5-day conference with one day of regional, in-person tours, 4 days virtual with one keynote and one concurrent each day. Sessions will be recorded and available to registrations after the conference as well.
    1. Join a planning committee for EMGC! Help us plan by joining our speakers, in-person tours, or marketing committee. Requires agent approval:
    2. Submit a topic idea for EMGC:
  1. Extension Master Gardener handbook (2023 edition) now available!
    1. Revisions and updates to the EMG Training Handbook have been completed. The 2023 edition of the handbook can be downloaded by visiting: The digital textbook version has been published and can be found here: The print version will follow shortly, more details will be provided in April.
    2. Many thanks to all who assisted in this undertaking. We appreciate all our editors, authors, and contributors!
    3. Link to order print handbook:  When you get it, turn to page 20 and add “+ 6O2” to the end of the photosynthesis equation. We’re addressing this in the next edition, and it is being fixed online now.


Biweekly Update – October 16

New Announcements

  1. Save the date! Master Gardener College (EMGC) 2024 will be held virtually June 5-9. This will be a 5-day conference with one day of regional, in-person tours, 4 days virtual with one keynote and one concurrent each day. Sessions will be recorded and available to registrations after the conference as well.
    1. Join a planning committee for EMGC! Help us plan by joining our speakers, in-person tours, or marketing committee. Requires agent approval:
    2. Submit a topic idea for EMGC:
  2. EMG Webinar Series 2023: The EMG monthly webinar series has returned! We look forward to bringing you a wide range of new and interesting topics. All webinars will be recorded and posted to our website ( Please register for each webinar:
    1. Wednesday! October 18 at 11:00 am – Virginia Native Trees – Adam Downing, Northern District Forestry agent, joins us to celebrate Virginia Native Trees! Register for October webinar here
    2. November 17 at 1:00 pm – Landscaping for Birds – Dr. Robin Puffenbarger – Register for November webinar here
  3. Fermentation webinar series from Master Food Volunteers – October 26 at 10 am – Learn about fermented dairy foods. Please register for that webinar using this link: 
    1. The purpose of this webinar is to cover aspects of fermented dairy foods. Specifically, the webinar will address: 1) The science supporting dairy fermentation 2) Methods of preparing some fermented dairy foods 3) Considerations when preparing fermented dairy foods for retail sale Additionally, a portion of this webinar will be dedicated to open discussion to identify if/how fermented dairy foods can be incorporated into home food preservation programming.

Old Announcements:

October events:

  1. Bats! 10/16/2023 – Zoom – VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, October 16, 2023, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: BATS!
    1. Presented by Leslie Sturges, President, Bat Conservation & Rescue of Virginia. Often the stuff of myths, legends, and spooky stories, bats are actually a crucial part of our natural ecosystems. This talk discusses bat habitat, how our gardens can support them and the pest control benefits bats provide. Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2023 as you explore our website!

November events:

  1. Lunch & Learn series – Prince Edward County – Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA – Bring your questions and lunch! Questions – email:
    1. Holiday Decorating 11/2/2023 – Join the Heart of Virginia Master Gardeners for Holiday Decorating ideas! Our very own Barbara Wheeler and Glenda Harris will be sharing their years of experience with you.

Other old announcements:

  1. Extension Master Gardener handbook (2023 edition) now available!
    1. Revisions and updates to the EMG Training Handbook have been completed. The 2023 edition of the handbook can be downloaded by visiting: The digital textbook version has been published and can be found here: The print version will follow shortly, more details will be provided in April.
    2. Many thanks to all who assisted in this undertaking. We appreciate all our editors, authors, and contributors! 
    3. Link to order print handbook:  When you get it, turn to page 20 and add “+ 6O2” to the end of the photosynthesis equation. We’re addressing this in the next edition, and it is being fixed online now.