New Announcements:
1. Join us for Extension Master Gardener College, June 22-26 in Blacksburg. Full program available now! Registration OPEN NOW Learn more about college and view the schedule
2. HCMGA Festival of Gardening Returns – May 7 – Riverside Park, 2238 Rivermont Ave., Lynchburg – Hill City Master Gardeners’ Festival of Gardening returns to Riverside Park on Saturday, May 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. rain or shine. Thousands of plants including natives to attract pollinators, herbs to transform your cooking, trees, shrubs, flowering annuals and perennials, vegetables, container gardens, houseplants and tropicals will be on sale for good prices.
3. Opening a Can of Worms: A Threat to Consider – May 16 – VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, May 16, 2022, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: Opening a Can of Worms: A Threat to Consider. Presenter Sherry Kern, Virginia Beach Master Gardener. Explore the characteristics of invasive earthworms such as the European earthworm and the Asian jumping earthworm. Determine what makes them invasive and how they are disrupting our native forest and affecting biodiversity. Delve into the ecology of our native earthworms and take a peek at the “new” invasive Hammerhead worm. Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. No registration is required. Gardening Talks are one hour. Go to and click on the Zoom link! Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2022 as you explore our website! View the flyer
4. Newport News Plant Sale – April 30 and May 1, 2022, 9am to 4pm 424 Pin Oak Road, Newport News, VA – Join the Newport News Master Gardeners for our spring plant sale April 30th and May 1st, 2022 from 9am to 4pm, 424 Pin Oak Road, Newport News, VA 23601. We’ll have TONS of native plant plugs! Our Design Desk will help you design your new garden bed! Our Mobile Help Desk will answer all your gardening questions! On-site gardens will be open for self-guided tours featuring labeled native plants! View the flyer
5. John Clayton Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society Annual Native Plant Sale – May 14 – Williamsburg Botanical Garden, 5537 Centerville Rd., Williamsburg, VA The John Clayton Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society will be hosting there annual native plant sale on Saturday, May 14th from 9am to 3pm at the Williamsburg Botanical Garden. Admission and parking are free. The sale offers a wide selection of native plants and trees to include Buttonbush which is the VNPS 2022 Wildflower of the Year. Plant experts will be available to answer any questions regarding plant selection. View the flyer
6. Rockbridge Area Master Gardener Plant Sale – May 21, 8:30am until 1:00pm – Kerrs Creek Fire Station, 2880 West Midland Trail, Lexington VA – The Rockbridge Area Master Gardener Annual Plant Sale will be in person this year. There will be over 2000 plants for sale, including shrubs, tree, annuals, vegetables and lots of perennials, including many natives. New this year will be a Pot Swap. Anyone can drop off pots. Anyone can help themselves. We hope to reclaim pots for our Digs, re-home donated ornamental plant containers, and more appropriately recycle what we cannot use.
Old May announcements
7. NRVMGA Spring Plant Sale – May 7 – Montgomery County Government Center – Come on out to join us at our NRVMGA Spring Plant Sale, Saturday, May 7 on the front lawn of the Montgomery County Government Center in Christiansburg. We will have plants grown by our own Master Gardeners. A plant for every place and everyone! We will have perennials, annual, vegetables, trees, shrubs and even a yard sale for your gardening needs.
8. Piedmont Master Gardeners’ Annual Plant Sale – May 7- Albemarle Square Shopping Center, U.S. 29 North at Rio Road, Charlottesville – On hold for the past two years, the Piedmont Master Gardeners’ Annual Plant Sale has returned and will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 7, at Albemarle Square Shopping Center in Charlottesville. The sale will offer thousands of annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs and houseplants, including a large assortment of native plants. In addition, shoppers can purchase new and used garden implements, yard ornaments and other “Green Elephants”; have their tools sharpened by an expert; and drop off their surplus plastic nursery pots for recycling. The sale will also feature a Help Desk for answering gardening questions and information tables on locally native plants, soil and composting, invasive plants, conservation landscaping and much more. All proceeds support the many free and low-cost programs the Piedmont Master Gardeners offer to the community. Credit cards, checks and cash will all be accepted. Learn more on the Piedmont EMG website
9. Master Gardeners of Prince William Spring Plant Sale – Saturday May 14 9am-Noon – Teaching Garden at St Benedict Monastery 9535 Linton Hall Rd Bristow VA – Join the Prince William Master Gardeners for their annual Spring Plant Sale on May 14, 2022. It is held at the St Benedict Monastery Grounds at 9535 Linton Hall Rd, the home of our Teaching Garden. We are featuring many native plants that are from our Teaching Garden and our Master Gardeners gardens as well. The hours are 9 am – Noon. You may pay with cash or checks. We will be happy to answer any questions and the sale of plants will continue on each Saturday in the Garden program once a month. If you have more questions, contact our Helpdesk at Also, check this page for our Saturday in the Garden programs: Please follow signs for parking. Thank you!
Old June announcement
10. Garden Fest and EMG Plant Sale – June 4 – Belle Grove Plantation, Middletown, VA – The Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardeners will hold their annual GardenFest and EMG Plant Sale on Saturday, June 4th at Belle Grove Historic Plantation just south of Middletown, VA. Reasonably priced plants or all kinds raised by the Master Gardeners will be available. Parking is free and there is no admission charge. There will be plant related vendors, tool sharpening services, children’s activities and more.
Old Announcements
11. If you would like an infographic showing your local unit’s 2021 statistics, please email Devon Infographic template available here. Note: We have not pre-made infographics for each unit this year and will instead be working with you to develop them on request.
12. Updated indicia statement:
Virginia Cooperative Extension is a partnership of Virginia Tech, Virginia State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments. Its programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, or any other basis protected by law.
As always, remember to use the indicia statement on all material you distribute to the public. For promotional material for events, you also need the ADA statement, available here.
Other Announcements:
1. Send us your announcements! Have you converted educational programs to an online format? You can still submit those announcements for the biweekly email! Submit an item for the biweekly update here.
2. Follow the State Office on social media: Facebook | Instagram | YouTube