2024 Water Steward Training
For the first time, we are offering Water Steward training online via Canvas this summer from July 8 – August 17. This 8-week course will include four live Zooms (July 8, July 22, August 5, August 12 at 4:00 pm), weekly recordings and readings, and assignments for you to complete on your own (and one group project). We will utilize the Canvas “discussion” feature so you can stay in contact with your classmates and see the work others are doing.
After completing the 8-week training, Water Steward interns work with their local Extension agent to develop and complete an intern project. Then they are awarded the title Water Steward. We will have 6-month and 12-month check-ins so that the 2024 class can share updates on their projects, get advice, and swap ideas.
View the syllabus here (subject to change)
Interested in specializing your Master Gardener volunteer work?
Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners currently have three options for advanced study: Land Care Steward, Tree Steward, and Water Quality Steward. Training for each steward program is available annually on a rotating basis at Master Gardener College in Blacksburg, VA. For large groups interested in a steward program, the training may arranged to take place locally.
The Advanced Master Gardener identifies resources for the program, recruits and organizes volunteers to assist, administers the program activities, and reports impacts to the agent. Advanced Master Gardeners work with their Agent and the community to develop a cohesive program that meets community needs and then implement the program.
After completion of training, Advanced EMGs should complete at least 5 hours of relevant continuing education and 10 hours of advanced training specific volunteer hours on an annual basis, in addition to the hours requirements to maintain their status as an Extension Master Gardener volunteer.

Tree Stewards
In Virginia, advanced Master Gardener tree steward training is offered by the local Extension Master Gardener (EMG) program. Once the training is completed, volunteers become certified advanced EMG tree stewards and commit to a specific number of volunteer hours working on local tree steward projects. EMG tree stewards work on projects based on the needs of their local community as determined mutually between the local agent/coordinator and active tree stewards.

Water Stewards
Advanced Master Gardener Water Stewards receive the benefit of a high level of training which is both technical and programmatic in nature. The advanced technical training provides in-depth water quality, conservation and management knowledge. The programmatic training enables the Advanced Master Gardeners to truly extend the reach of Extension because it is meant to prepare the EMG to research community water needs, then to design, implement and evaluate a program meant to meet those needs.

Land Stewards
The Advanced Master Gardener identifies resources for the program, recruits and organizes volunteers to assist, administers the program activities, and reports impacts to the agent. Advanced Master Gardeners work with their Agent and the community to develop a cohesive program that meets community needs and then implement the program.