EMGC 2020 Participant Instructions
Hello & thank you for joining us for Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardener College 2020 (EMGC). Whether you joined our live sessions or are registering later for access to recordings, we are excited to share our wonderful speakers with all of you!
This page contains instructions for accessing recordings of our EMGC 2020 sessions.
Canvas site link: https://profdev-lms.tlos.vt.edu/courses/1230
If you encounter any trouble and require assistance during EMGC 2020, email emgoffice@vt.edu
Quick Links
Registration is now closed! Please join us for IMGC 2021!
Canvas site link: https://profdev-lms.tlos.vt.edu/courses/1230
For help email: emgoffice@vt.edu
How to access recordings
1. Set up your Canvas account
After registering for College, you should have received two automatic emails–one of those emails was from “Virginia Tech Guest Management Service” iam@vt.edu with the subject like “Virginia Tech Guest Account Invitation.” Use this email to create your “Virginia Tech guest account,” which you will use to log in to Canvas.
If you cannot find this email in your inbox, please try these steps:
- Look in your spam folder (Click the links for: how to find spam folder in Gmail, how to find spam folder in AOL, how to find spam folder in Yahoo)
- Search your email for “Virginia Tech Guest Account Invitation”
- Search your email for “You have been invited to create a Virginia Tech guest account”
After creating your account, it may take 6 hours for your account to become active! You probably will not be able to log in right away!
After waiting 6 hours, go to https://profdev-lms.tlos.vt.edu/courses/1230 to view our EMGC 2020 site.
NOTE: Canvas does not work with Internet Explorer. If you are using Internet Explorer, please download and install one of these compatible browsers instead:
- Chrome 81 and 83
- Firefox 76 and 77 (Extended Releases are not supported*)
- Edge 81 and 83
- Respondus Lockdown Browser (supporting the latest system requirements)
- Safari 12 and 13 (Macintosh only)
Can’t remember if you already set up your guest account? If you can’t remember whether or not you already set up your Canvas/Virginia Tech guest account account or if you can’t remember your password, try going to https://profdev-lms.tlos.vt.edu/courses/1230 and logging in. You may use the “I forgot my username or password” option to recover your forgotten username/password.
2. Use Canvas to locate session links and information
To get to the college Canvas site, go to:
And log in with your Virginia Tech guest account username and password. Note that this username/password is separate from the “VCE-” username/password you used to checkout when paying for the course.
If you have not already set up your Canvas account, please see section 1.
When logged in to Canvas, it will look like this:
To find the links to view sessions, session descriptions, and download any handouts or other materials provided by the speaker, click on the “modules” tab in the left navigation column. Then select the session you’d like to watch from the list.
3: Troubleshooting
If you have trouble
If you encounter trouble, email:
We will do our best to help you use Zoom and join sessions successfully; however keep in mind that we can provide only limited support.
Please note:
- We have limited capacity for technical support and will answer questions on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- We cannot assist with computer problems or technical issues related to your operating system or internet connection.
3.2 A few common problems
- Can’t find the email asking you to create a Virginia Tech guest account? Try these steps:
- Look in your spam folder (Click the links for: how to find spam folder in Gmail, how to find spam folder in AOL, how to find spam folder in Yahoo)
- Search your email for “Virginia Tech Guest Account Invitation”
- Search your email for “You have been invited to create a Virginia Tech guest account”
- If you still can’t find it, email emgoffice@vt.edu. We have limited options to help with the VT guest account system, but we will do our best!
- Virginia Tech guest accounts do not become active right away. It may take 6 hours for your username and password to work.
- Canvas does not work with Internet Explorer. Please download Firefox, Google Chrome, or one of the other compatible browsers listed in section 1.
Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran status, or any other basis protected by law. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. Edwin J. Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; M. Ray McKinnie, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State University, Petersburg.
If you are a person with a disability and desire any assistive devices, services or other accommodations to participate in this activity, please contact Kathleen Reed at reedka@vt.edu/TDD*) during business hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss accommodations 10 days prior to the event.
*TDD number is (800) 828-1120.