Biweekly Update – September 19

New Announcements  
  1. Registration is now open for Fall Leadership Development Training: In-person Leadership Development Training returns this October. We will have meetings in each district; however, Agents, Coordinators and EMG volunteers may go to any meeting location. Currently, we have the following locations and dates set-up: 10/2 – Pulaski; 10/9 – Bedford; 10/16 – Henrico; 10/23 – Culpepper; 10/30 – Airfield 4H Center.  Each session is scheduled from 10-3.  View the agenda here 
    • Our tentative topics include a recorded State Office update, Communications Topics for units/associations, Unit Support offered by the VMGA, the Accessibility and Connection Report (2021) and Project Management including project proposal, evaluation and approval.  
    • Each session will include a working lunch with Lightning Sessions by units on local projects. We are working on finalizing details and getting the DestinyOne registration site set-up, so be on the lookout for complete details in early September.  
  2. Webinar Series 
In your basic training you learned how to prune trees and shrubs. Although some of the ways we prune different types of plants seem contradictory, these methods are all based on manipulating the plants’ biology. This class will cover how the evolution and biology of woody plants drives the ways we prune woody plants. Knowing the why may make it easier to remember the how. The focus of the class will be on dicot trees. 
About presenter: Jim McGlone is retired from the Virginia Department of Forestry, where he served 17 years as an Urban Forest Conservationist in Northern Virginia. He is an ISA certified arborist and has the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. Since retirement he has focused on the environmental education portion of his old job, which he loves and has been told he is pretty good at. He is the primary author of the forthcoming 5th edition of the Trees Virginia Tree Steward Training Manual. He teaches classes to Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, and Tree Stewards and speaks to the public on arboriculture, forestry, forest ecology, climate change, and conservation landscaping. He and his wife have been practicing conservation landscaping around their suburban home since 2004. 
  1. Hanover Home Gardening Series: Join us for engaging presentations that will broaden your gardening know-how, introduce you to new concepts, and help you connect with the Hanover Master Gardeners. Everyone is welcome, regardless of age or experience.  Our Home Gardening Series is tailored for Hanover County’s home gardeners. Atlee Library | 9212 Rutlandshire Dr, Mechanicsville, VA 23116  Learn more and register 
    • October 19 | Tree Stewards and Gardening Help Desk 
    • January 18 | Gardening Tools and Invasives 
    • February 15 | Seed Starting and Garden Planning 
    • March 15 | Soil Testing and Bats, Dragonflies and Mosquitos 
Old September Announcements 
  1. Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ Backyard Gardening Seminars
  • Saturday, September 21, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon –Tomatoes – Saving, storing and starting from seeds 
  • Saturday, October 5, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon – Cold Planting and Winter Sowing 
  • Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon – Greenhouse Basics – How to set up and utilize a greenhouse for beginners 
  • Location for all BYG: Louisa County Public Library, 881 Davis Highway, Mineral, Virginia.  Contact: 
  1. Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ Bracketts Farm Charitable Garden: Fall/Winter Gardening & Garlic Planting: Mini Course on Cool Weather Vegetable Gardening & Volunteer Social (This is a hands-on event.) 
Old October Announcements 
  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA 
  • 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms 
  • 11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246. 
  1. New River Valley Master Gardeners For the Love of Foraging | 10/5/2024 | Blacksburg Community Center, Community Room, 725 Patrick Henry Dr, Blacksburg, VA 
  • For the Love of Foraging with Em. Learn about foraging wild foods throughout the entire year. Saturday, October 5th 11:00am – 12:30pm Register here: 
  1. 2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTEST Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024. 
Old November Announcements 
  1. VMGA November Educational Event: SAVE THE DATE!  November 9th 
  • The Virginia Master Gardener Association (VMGA) is excited to announce its Fall Continuing Education Day, scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Washington VA Volunteer Fire Meeting Hall, located at 10 Firehouse Lane, Washington, VA 22747. WATCH FOR INFORMATION ON REGISTRATION SOON. 
  • This event will feature a lineup of expert speakers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields: 
    • Janet Davis of Hill House Nursery will delve into the Propagation of Woody Plants, with a special focus on native species. Janet’s expertise in nurturing and multiplying these essential plants will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in expanding their garden or landscape. 
    • Matt Bright from Earth Sangha will speak on the importance of Keystone Plants and Plant Communities. Keystone plants play a critical role in supporting local ecosystems, and Matt will guide us in understanding which species are vital for the health and biodiversity of our natural surroundings as well as how you create Plant Communities with them. 
    • Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge on Seed Propagation. Pat’s session will cover the fundamentals of starting plants from seed, offering both practical tips and a deeper understanding of the science behind successful propagation. 
  • Following the morning lectures, participants will have the opportunity to visit Hill House Nursery, located just 15-20 minutes from the Fire House. This field trip will allow attendees to see many of the propagation techniques discussed during the lectures in action and explore the nursery’s diverse collection of plants. (We will carpool to and from the nursery). This event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning your journey in horticulture. Don’t miss this chance to learn from some of the best in the field and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Mark your calendars for November 9th, and join us for a day of education, inspiration, and community! 

Biweekly Update – September 5, 2024

New Announcements  

  1. Welcome Grace Stern, new State Coordinator for the Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program!
  2. Webinar Series
    • September 24, 2:00PM | Tree Pruning Seminar | Jim McGlone Registration Link
    • In your basic training you learned how to prune trees and shrubs. Although some of the ways we prune different types of plants seem contradictory, these methods are all based on manipulating the plants’ biology. This class will cover how the evolution and biology of woody plants drives the ways we prune woody plants. Knowing the why may make it easier to remember the how. The focus of the class will be on dicot trees.
    • About presenter: Jim McGlone is retired from the Virginia Department of Forestry, where he served 17 years as an Urban Forest Conservationist in Northern Virginia. He is an ISA certified arborist and has the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. Since retirement he has focused on the environmental education portion of his old job, which he loves and has been told he is pretty good at. He is the primary author of the forthcoming 5th edition of the Trees Virginia Tree Steward Training Manual. He teaches classes to Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, and Tree Stewards and speaks to the public on arboriculture, forestry, forest ecology, climate change, and conservation landscaping. He and his wife have been practicing conservation landscaping around their suburban home since 2004. As with all the webinars in the EMG CE Webinar Series, this webinar will be recorded and posted at: 
  1. New River Valley Master Gardeners Hydroponics Workshop | 9/14/2024 | Blacksburg Community Center, Community Room, 725 Patrick Henry Dr, Blacksburg, VA
    • Hydroponics presented by: Challen Waller and Aurora Wood, Innovative Agriculture Club of Virginia Tech Learn about hydroponic growing and leave the workshop with your very own Kratky Hydroponic System Saturday, September 14th 10:30am – noon Cost: FREE for Master Gardeners and Master Gardener Interns (thanks to the generosity of the NRVMGA) Guests: $10 per person, for materials Students: $5 per person, for materials Cash or Check payable to: NRVMGA, at the door, day of workshop Space is limited to 30 participants. Register here:
  2. New River Valley Master Gardeners For the Love of Foraging | 10/5/2024 | Blacksburg Community Center, Community Room, 725 Patrick Henry Dr, Blacksburg, VA
    • For the Love of Foraging with Em. Learn about foraging wild foods throughout the entire year. Saturday, October 5th 11:00am – 12:30pm Register here:

Old September Announcements

  1. Tree-mendous Adventures: A Family Day of Tree Education and Fun! Saturday, September 7, 2024; 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Rust Library, 380 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, VA
    • Join the VCE Loudoun Master Gardeners for a family friendly day of tree-mendous fun – no registration required!  Celebrate Grandparents Day all weekend by bringing the whole family to Rust Library on Saturday, September 7. Discover the amazing benefits trees provide to our planet and our lives through engaging education presentations tailored for kids
  2. Prince William Master Gardeners’ Fall Plant Sale: Join the Prince William Master Gardeners for their Fall Plant Sale, featuring many native plants. September 7, 2024 from 9am -noon.  Cash or Checks only! More Information on our website:
  3. Virginia Beach Master Gardeners Present Gardening Talks:
    • Join us on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on:  Creating Winter Interest in the Garden
      • Speaker: Heather Gargano, VBMG; Adjunct Professor, TCC Horticulture; Landscape Designer, Garden Girl Designz: Winter gardens don’t have to be drab and lifeless – especially in Tidewater. Heather will present techniques and “out of the box” ideas for spicing up the landscape and creating a garden that entices you to venture out – even in the cold.
    • Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  No registration is required.   Gardening Talks are one hour. 
    • Go to and click on the Zoom link!  Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website! 
  1. Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ Backyard Gardening Seminars:
    • Saturday, September 21, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon –Tomatoes – Saving, storing and starting from seeds
    • Saturday, October 5, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon – Cold Planting and Winter Sowing
    • Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon – Greenhouse Basics – How to set up and utilize a greenhouse for beginners
    • Location for all BYG: Louisa County Public Library, 881 Davis Highway, Mineral, Virginia.  Contact:
  2. Gloucester Master Gardeners 22nd Annual Plant Extravaganza Location: Gloucester Moose Lodge, 6565 Moose Drive, Gloucester, VA 23061Dates and Times: Friday, September 13th, 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 14th, 8:00 a.m. to noon. Ample free parking available. 
    • Please join us for our annual plant sale featuring native plants, perennials, trees, shrubs, herbs, house plants, gently used garden tools and more! Proceeds support the Gloucester Extension Master Gardeners Scholarship Fund. Gloucester Ruritan Club will be on site Friday selling hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and soda.
  3. VMN Continuing Education Webinar: Put That Tree in the Right Place! The Master Naturalist Program Director has invited Extension Master Gardeners to participate in their next CE Webinar: Sept 16, 12:00pm  Pre-registration required 
    • Description: Trees provide so many benefits and services to us, to our communities and to the environment.  Join Dr. Laurie Fox, Horticulture Associate with Virginia Tech, for an overview of how to assess a site and select the right tree to fit the growing conditions and the owner’s goals.
    • About presenter: Laurie Fox is a Horticulture Associate with Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Agricultural Research & Extension Center (AREC) in Virginia Beach. Her Ph.D. research focused on phytoremediation, or cleaning the environment with plants. Her current work includes stormwater & nutrient management in the landscape, urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs) including floating treatment wetlands, aquatic weed ID & management in ponds, sustainable landscapes, sustainable landscape design & practices, native plants, buffer zones, and rain gardens.
    • Our webinars and trainings related to urban forestry are supported by an Urban and Community Forestry Grant from the USDA Forest Service, administered by our sponsoring agency, the Virginia Department of Forestry.
  1. Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ Bracketts Farm Charitable Garden: Fall/Winter Gardening & Garlic Planting: Mini Course on Cool Weather Vegetable Gardening & Volunteer Social (This is a hands-on event.)

Old October Announcements

  1. Fall Leadership Development Training (Updated schedule): In-person Leadership Development Training returns this October. We will have meetings in each district; however, Agents, Coordinators and EMG volunteers may go to any meeting location. Currently, we have the following locations and dates set-up: 10/2 – Pulaski; 10/9 – Bedford; 10/16 – Henrico; 10/23 – Culpepper; 10/30 – Airfield 4H Center.  Each session is scheduled from 10-3.
    • Our tentative topics include a recorded State Office update, Communications Topics for units/associations, Unit Support offered by the VMGA, the Accessibility and Connection Report (2021) and Project Management including project proposal, evaluation and approval. 
    • Each session will include a working lunch with Lightning Sessions by units on local projects. We are working on finalizing details and getting the DestinyOne registration site set-up, so be on the lookout for complete details in early September. 
  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
  • 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms
  • 11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.
  1. 2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTEST Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024.

Old November Announcements

  1. VMGA November Educational Event: SAVE THE DATE!  November 9th
    • This event will feature a lineup of expert speakers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields:
      •                                      Janet Davis of Hill House Nursery will delve into the Propagation of Woody Plants, with a special focus on native species. Janet’s expertise in nurturing and multiplying these essential plants will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in expanding their garden or landscape.
      •                                      Matt Bright from Earth Sangha will speak on the importance of Keystone Plants and Plant Communities. Keystone plants play a critical role in supporting local ecosystems, and Matt will guide us in understanding which species are vital for the health and biodiversity of our natural surroundings as well as how you create Plant Communities with them.
      •                                      Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge on Seed Propagation. Pat’s session will cover the fundamentals of starting plants from seed, offering both practical tips and a deeper understanding of the science behind successful propagation.
    • Following the morning lectures, participants will have the opportunity to visit Hill House Nursery, located just 15-20 minutes from the Fire House. This field trip will allow attendees to see many of the propagation techniques discussed during the lectures in action and explore the nursery’s diverse collection of plants. (We will carpool to and from the nursery). This event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning your journey in horticulture. Don’t miss this chance to learn from some of the best in the field and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Mark your calendars for November 9th, and join us for a day of education, inspiration, and community!


Biweekly Update – August 22, 2024

New Announcements

1.       The State EMG Office will be closed from Monday, August 26 to Monday, September 2. 


2.      Webinar Series


a.      September 24, 2:00PM | Tree Pruning Seminar | Jim McGlone

In your basic training you learned how to prune trees and shrubs. Although some of the ways we prune different types of plants seem contradictory, these methods are all based on manipulating the plants’ biology. This class will cover how the evolution and biology of woody plants drives the ways we prune woody plants. Knowing the why may make it easier to remember the how. The focus of the class will be on dicot trees.


Presenter: Jim McGlone is retired from the Virginia Department of Forestry, where he served 17 years as an Urban Forest Conservationist in Northern Virginia. He is an ISA certified arborist and has the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification. Since retirement he has focused on the environmental education portion of his old job, which he loves and has been told he is pretty good at. He is the primary author of the forthcoming 5th edition of the Trees Virginia Tree Steward Training Manual. He teaches classes to Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, and Tree Stewards and speaks to the public on arboriculture, forestry, forest ecology, climate change, and conservation landscaping. He and his wife have been practicing conservation landscaping around their suburban home since 2004.


Registration Link


As with all the webinars in the EMG CE Webinar Series, this webinar will be recorded and posted at:


3.      The Master Naturalist Program Director has invited Extension Master Gardeners to participate in their next CE Webinar.


VMN Continuing Education Webinar: Put That Tree in the Right Place!



Description: Trees provide so many benefits and services to us, to our communities and to the environment.  Join Dr. Laurie Fox, Horticulture Associate with Virginia Tech, for an overview of how to assess a site and select the right tree to fit the growing conditions and the owner’s goals.


Presenter: Laurie Fox is a Horticulture Associate with Virginia Tech’s Hampton Roads Agricultural Research & Extension Center (AREC) in Virginia Beach. Her Ph.D. research focused on phytoremediation, or cleaning the environment with plants. Her current work includes stormwater & nutrient management in the landscape, urban stormwater best management practices (BMPs) including floating treatment wetlands, aquatic weed ID & management in ponds, sustainable landscapes, sustainable landscape design & practices, native plants, buffer zones, and rain gardens.


Our webinars and trainings related to urban forestry are supported by an Urban and Community Forestry Grant from the USDA Forest Service, administered by our sponsoring agency, the Virginia Department of Forestry.


Registration: Pre-registration required


4.      Tree-mendous Adventures: A Family Day of Tree Education and Fun!

Saturday, September 7, 2024; 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Rust Library, 380 Old Waterford Rd NW, Leesburg, VA

Join the VCE Loudoun Master Gardeners for a family friendly day of tree-mendous fun – no registration required!  Celebrate Grandparents Day all weekend by bringing the whole family to Rust Library on Saturday, September 7. Discover the amazing benefits trees provide to our planet and our lives through engaging education presentations tailored for kids


5.      Gloucester Master Gardeners 22nd Annual Plant Extravaganza


Please join us for our annual plant sale featuring native plants, perennials, trees, shrubs, herbs, house plants, gently used garden tools and more! Proceeds support the Gloucester Extension Master Gardeners Scholarship Fund.

Gloucester Ruritan Club will be on site Friday selling hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and soda.


Location: Gloucester Moose Lodge, 6565 Moose Drive, Gloucester, VA 23061Dates and Times: Friday, September 13th, 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 14th, 8:00 a.m. to noon. Ample free parking available.


6.      VMGA November Educational Event

SAVE THE DATE!  November 9th


The Virginia Master Gardener Association (VMGA) is excited to announce its Fall Continuing Education Day, scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM at the Washington VA Volunteer Fire Meeting Hall, located at 10 Firehouse Lane, Washington, VA 22747.


This event will feature a lineup of expert speakers, each bringing a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields:


·         Janet Davis of Hill House Nursery will delve into the Propagation of Woody Plants, with a special focus on native species. Janet’s expertise in nurturing and multiplying these essential plants will provide valuable insights for anyone interested in expanding their garden or landscape.


·         Matt Bright from Earth Sangha will speak on the importance of Keystone Plants and Plant Communities. Keystone plants play a critical role in supporting local ecosystems, and Matt will guide us in understanding which species are vital for the health and biodiversity of our natural surroundings as well as how you create Plant Communities with them.


·         Pat Lust, Professor Emerita from Longwood University, will share her extensive knowledge on Seed Propagation. Pat’s session will cover the fundamentals of starting plants from seed, offering both practical tips and a deeper understanding of the science behind successful propagation.


Following the morning lectures, participants will have the opportunity to visit Hill House Nursery, located just 15-20 minutes from the Fire House. This field trip will allow attendees to see many of the propagation techniques discussed during the lectures in action and explore the nursery’s diverse collection of plants. (We will carpool to and from the nursery).


This event promises to be an enriching experience for all attendees, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just beginning your journey in horticulture. Don’t miss this chance to learn from some of the best in the field and connect with fellow gardening enthusiasts.


Mark your calendars for November 9th, and join us for a day of education, inspiration, and community!




7.      Prince William Master Gardeners’ Fall Plant Sale

Join the Prince William Master Gardeners for their Fall Plant Sale, featuring many native plants.


September 7, 2024 from 9am -noon.  Cash or Checks only!  

More Information on our website:


Program on Fall Bulbs as well.  Register here:


St Bendict Monastery 9535 Linton Hall Rd. Bristow VA 20136

For questions:


8.      Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ BACKYARD GARDENING SEMINARS:

a.      Saturday, September 21, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Tomatoes – Saving, storing and starting from seeds.

b.      Saturday, October 5, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Cold Planting and Winter Sowing

c.      Saturday, October 19, 2024, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Greenhouse Basics – How to set up and utilize a greenhouse for beginners

Location for all BYG: Louisa County Public Library, 881 Davis Highway, Mineral, Virginia.  Contact:


9.      Louisa Extension Master Gardeners’ BRACKETTS FARM CHARITABLE GARDEN:

Fall/Winter Gardening & Garlic Planting

Mini Course on Cool Weather Vegetable Gardening & Volunteer Social

(This is a hands-on event.)

Monday, September 30, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Rain Date, Thursday, October 3, 2024)

Location: Bracketts Farm Charitable Garden, 1117 Bracketts Farm Road, Louisa, VA 23093. Contact:


Old Announcements:  


Join us on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on:  Creating Winter Interest in the Garden

Speaker: Heather Gargano, VBMG; Adjunct Professor, TCC Horticulture; Landscape Designer, Garden Girl Designz

Winter gardens don’t have to be drab and lifeless – especially in Tidewater. Heather will present techniques and “out of the box” ideas for spicing up the landscape and creating a garden that entices you to venture out – even in the cold.

Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  No registration is required.   Gardening Talks are one hour. 

Go to and click on the Zoom link!  Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!


2.      Fall Leadership Development Training (Updated schedule)

In-person Leadership Development Training returns this October. 

We will have meetings in each district; however, Agents, Coordinators and EMG volunteers may go to any meeting location. Currently, we have the following locations and dates set-up: 10/2 – Pulaski; 10/9 – Bedford; 10/16 – Henrico; 10/23 – Culpepper; 10/30 – Airfield 4H Center.  Each session is scheduled from 10-3.

Our tentative topics include a recorded State Office update, Communications Topics for units/associations, Unit Support offered by the VMGA, the Accessibility and Connection Report (2021) and Project Management including project proposal, evaluation and approval. 

Each session will include a working lunch with Lightning Sessions by units on local projects. 

We are working on finalizing details and getting the DestinyOne registration site set-up, so be on the lookout for complete details in early September. 

3.      Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA

a.      9/5/2024 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Native Plants.

b.      10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms

c.      11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.


4.      Symposium: Eco-Friendly Gardening in a Changing Climate – SEPTEMBER 14 — CANCELED

5.      2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTEST Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024.


6.      2023 Annual Report now available here


Biweekly Update – August 9, 2024

New Announcements  


Join us on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on:  Creating Winter Interest in the Garden

Speaker: Heather Gargano, VBMG; Adjunct Professor, TCC Horticulture; Landscape Designer, Garden Girl Designz

Winter gardens don’t have to be drab and lifeless – especially in Tidewater. Heather will present techniques and “out of the box” ideas for spicing up the landscape and creating a garden that entices you to venture out – even in the cold.

Gardening Talks is presented via Zoom and is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  No registration is required.   Gardening Talks are one hour. 

Go to and click on the Zoom link!  Check out upcoming Gardening Talks for 2024 as you explore our website!

2.      Fall Leadership Development Training

In-person Leadership Development Training returns this October. 

We will have meetings in each district; however, Agents, Coordinators and EMG volunteers may go to any meeting location. Currently, we have the following locations and dates set-up: 10/2 – Culpepper; 10/9 – Bedford; 10/16 – Henrico; 10/23 – SW District TBD; 10/30 – Airfield 4H Center.  Each session is scheduled from 10-3.

Our tentative topics include a recorded State Office update, Communications Topics for units/associations, Unit Support offered by the VMGA, the Accessibility and Connection Report (2021) and Project Management including project proposal, evaluation and approval. 

Each session will include a working lunch with Lightning Sessions by units on local projects. 

We are working on finalizing details and getting the DestinyOne registration site set-up, so be on the lookout for complete details in early September. 

Old Announcements:  

1.      Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA

a.      9/5/2024 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Native Plants.

b.      10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms

c.      11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.

2.      Symposium: Eco-Friendly Gardening in a Changing Climate – SEPTEMBER 14, 2024Presented by Rapidan River Master Gardeners – Featuring Joe Lamp’l, Peggy Singleman, and Kirsten Conrad Learn more

“Eco-Friendly Gardening in a Changing Environment” is a daylong symposium with presentations to address climate change made by national practitioners, organized by the Rapidan River Master Gardeners serving four counties in Virginia’s Northern Piedmont.

Home owners, gardeners, landscape planners and naturalists should register at  Or search for Eco Friendly Gardening Eventbrite.

Presenters are Joe Lamp’l (host of the PBS show Growing a Greener World), Peggy Singlemann (host of the PBS show Virginia Home Grown) and Kirsten Conrad (Agriculture Natural Resources Extension Agent for Arlington County and the City of Alexandria, VA)

3.      2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTEST Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024.

4.      2023 Annual Report now available here

Biweekly Update – July 26, 2024

New Announcements  

  1. Webinar Series:  

  1. Access old programs at:

Old Announcements:  

  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA

    1. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation CANCELLED DUE TO SPEAKER AVAILABILITY

    2. 9/5/2024 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Native Plants.

    3. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms

    4. 11/21/24 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session of fun holiday decoration make and take with Prince Edward Extension Agent, Erin Small.  The class is limited in size and registration is required. Call to register 434-392-4246.

  2. Symposium: Eco-Friendly Gardening in a Changing Climate – SEPTEMBER 14, 2024Presented by Rapidan River Master Gardeners – Featuring Joe Lamp’l, Peggy Singleman, and Kirsten Conrad Learn more

    1. “Eco-Friendly Gardening in a Changing Environment” is a daylong symposium with presentations to address climate change made by national practitioners, organized by the Rapidan River Master Gardeners serving four counties in Virginia’s Northern Piedmont.

    2. Home owners, gardeners, landscape planners and naturalists should register at  Or search for Eco Friendly Gardening Eventbrite.

    3. Presenters are Joe Lamp’l (host of the PBS show Growing a Greener World), Peggy Singlemann (host of the PBS show Virginia Home Grown) and Kirsten Conrad (Agriculture Natural Resources Extension Agent for Arlington County and the City of Alexandria, VA)

  3. 2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTEST Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024 and July 6 Pumpkin Class & Pumpkin Planting for Children (limited to 20 Children)!!

  4. 2023 Annual Report now available here

Biweekly Update – July 12

New Announcements  
  1. Symposium: Eco-Friendly Gardening in a Changing Climate – SEPTEMBER 14, 2024Presented by Rapidan River Master Gardeners – Featuring Joe Lamp’l, Peggy Singleman, and Kirsten Conrad Learn more
    1. “Eco-Friendly Gardening in a Changing Environment” is a daylong symposium with presentations to address climate change made by national practitioners, organized by the Rapidan River Master Gardeners serving four counties in Virginia’s Northern Piedmont.
    2. Home owners, gardeners, landscape planners and naturalists should register at  Or search for Eco Friendly Gardening Eventbrite.
    3. Presenters are Joe Lamp’l (host of the PBS show Growing a Greener World), Peggy Singlemann (host of the PBS show Virginia Home Grown) and Kirsten Conrad (Agriculture Natural Resources Extension Agent for Arlington County and the City of Alexandria, VA)
  2. 2024 Greater Tomato Contest – July 13, 2024 – Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our Greater Tomato Contest!
  3. 2024 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY PUMPKIN CONTEST Prince George Farmers Market Join the Prince George Master Gardeners for our 2024 Pumpkin Contest on October 26, 2024 and July 6 Pumpkin Class & Pumpkin Planting for Children (limited to 20 Children)!!
  4. WELCOMING FIREFLIES & OTHER CREATURES TO YOUR GARDEN – Zoom Platform Join the Prince William Master Gardeners for a talk on Fireflies and other Insects on Wednesday July 12th at 11 am. You can see the flyer and register here:  Alyssa Ford Morel did this talk for Master Gardener College. For those who did not register, here is the chance to learn more about our native insects in our yards.
  5. Intro to Insect ID – Zoom Platform – Join the Prince William Master Gardeners for a Zoom event on Insect ID on July 10th at 6 pm.
    1. Are you a fan of all things bug related and want to learn more or just want to know what to avoid while working in the garden? Brush up on your basic insect and arachnid identification skills with this evening Zoom.
Old Announcements:  
  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    2. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms

Biweekly Update – June 13

New Announcements

  1. Virginia Pollinator Week – Gov. Glenn Youngkin has issued a declaration making the week of June 17-23 “Virginia Pollinator Week.” Learn more about the  national pollinator week campaign here:
  2. Water Steward registration EXTENDED until June 14: Register here
    1. For the first time, we are offering Water Steward training online via Canvas this summer from July 8 – August 17. This 8-week course will include four live Zooms (July 8, July 22, August 5, August 12 at 4:00 pm), weekly recordings and readings, and assignments for you to complete on your own (and one group project). We will utilize the Canvas “discussion” feature so you can stay in contact with your classmates and see the work others are doing. After completing the 8-week training, Water Steward interns work with their local Extension agent to develop and complete an intern project. Then they are awarded the title Water Steward. We will have 6-month and 12-month check-ins so that the 2024 class can share updates on their projects, get advice, and swap ideas. View the syllabus here (subject to change)
  3. Webinar Series:  
    1. June – No webinar! Register for Master Gardener College!
    2. July 10, 1:00pm | Control and Management of Invasive Plants with Lauren Taylor, Executive Director, Blue Ridge PRISM -During this online workshop, you will learn how to best manage invasive plants during the specific season. This workshop will take place via Zoom and will include a Q&A with PRISM experts.
      Topics covered in this session include: Best seasonal practices for specific invasive plants, The right tools, Using manual & mechanical control methods, Methods for controlling invasive plants with careful use of herbicides, Planning a work schedule with best timings for multiple plants Register now
  4. Pollinator Palooza – June 20, 2024 and June 22, 2024 – Veterans Park 3793 Ironbound Road, Williamsburg VA 23188
    1. Celebrate the buzz of National Pollinator Week, June 17th to 23rd, 2024, at the James City County Williamsburg Master Gardeners’ Pollinator Palooza at Veteran’s Park, 3793 Ironbound Road. Enjoy a kids’ bonanza on Thursday, June 20th, from 11 am to 1 pm, with creative crafts, giveaways, and a scavenger hunt. Join us on Saturday, June 22nd, from 9 am to 11 am, for a showcase of nature’s marvels with the Butterfly Society, Monarch Watch, Williamsburg Area Beekeepers, and the Native Plant Society. Immerse your family in the wonders of pollinators and the beauty of our gardens! Read More Here:

Old Announcements June:

  1. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    2. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    3. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms
  2. 2023 Annual Report now available here


Biweekly Update – May 30

New Announcements

  1. Master Gardener College registration EXTENDED until May 31: Register here
    1. Program and more information here
    2. Want more in-person programming? Register for the VMGA annual meeting on June 15
  2. 2024 Cape Charles Garden Tour (Sponsored by the Eastern Shore of Virginia Master Gardeners) June 9, 2024 – Cape Charles, Virginia
    1. Join the Eastern Shore of Virginia Master Gardeners for the 2024 Cape Charles Garden Tour. The tour will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024, from 12:00 – 4:00 pm. It will begin at New Roots Youth Garden in Cape Charles. The tour will have a total of six beautiful gardens. Garden owners and Master Gardeners will be available to answer your questions about plant choices, horticultural practices and how they deal with gardening challenges. This is sure to be a “don’t miss” opportunity to learn, be inspired, and to just plain enjoy a lovely spring day in the garden. The tour is FREE and open to the public. For more information, visit the ESVMG website at:
  3. Webinar Series:  
    1. June – No webinar! Register for Master Gardener College!
    2. July 10, 1:00pm | Control and Management of Invasive Plants with Lauren Taylor, Executive Director, Blue Ridge PRISM -During this online workshop, you will learn how to best manage invasive plants during the specific season. This workshop will take place via Zoom and will include a Q&A with PRISM experts.
      Topics covered in this session include: Best seasonal practices for specific invasive plants, The right tools, Using manual & mechanical control methods, Methods for controlling invasive plants with careful use of herbicides, Planning a work schedule with best timings for multiple plants Register now

Old Announcements May:

  1. Entomological Society of America – Chrysalis fund grants for projects that teach kids about bugs Deadline to apply: May 31

Old Announcements June:

  1. GardenFest 2024 6/1/2024 – Belle Grove Plantation 336 Belle Grove Rd Middletown VA 22645 – GardenFest 2024 – 6/1/2024 – VCE supported by the Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association presents GardenFest at Belle Grove Plantation at 336 Belle Grove Rd, Middletown VA 22645. Event will be 8am to 2pm Rain or Shine. The Master Gardener Plant Sale will feature a large variety of perennials, annuals, houseplants, shrubs and trees. Other highlights: gently used garden items at the Second Hand Rose tent, Children’s Activities, Gardening Advice, Garden Tool Sharpening, Food/Plant/Specialty Vendors and Border Collie Duck Herding Demonstration. Free parking and admission. No Pets Please. Contact for questions. See for more information.
  2. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 6/6/2024 – 12 – 1 pm  All about African violets with Jill Fischer.
    2. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    3. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    4. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms
  3. 2023 Annual Report now available here


Biweekly Update – May 13

New Announcements

  1. Webinar Series:
    1. May 14, 2:00pm | Hayley Conrad – Social Media Basics – Are you responsible for your local unit Facebook page? Want to learn to help with social media content. Hayley Conrad, Social Media Manager for CALS and VCE joins us to provide basic information on social media for EMGs. Register Now
    2. June – No webinar! Register for Master Gardener College!
    3. July 10, 1:00pm | Control and Management of Invasive Plants with Lauren Taylor, Executive Director, Blue Ridge PRISM -During this online workshop, you will learn how to best manage invasive plants during the specific season. This workshop will take place via Zoom and will include a Q&A with PRISM experts.
      Topics covered in this session include: Best seasonal practices for specific invasive plants, The right tools, Using manual & mechanical control methods, Methods for controlling invasive plants with careful use of herbicides, Planning a work schedule with best timings for multiple plants Register now
  2. Master Gardener College registration now open: Register here before prices increase May 8
    1. Program and more information here
    2. Want more in-person programming? Register for the VMGA annual meeting on June 15
  3. 2023 Annual Report now available here
  4. Blue Ridge PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management) is surveying a broad group of participants to better understand what invasive plant species have been or are becoming, a problem for Virginia homeowners, farmers, commercial property owners, and natural area stewards. We need your help to identify which invasive plants you are seeing locally and are most concerned about. Please fill out the Invasive Plants of Virginia Survey #inVAsives
  5. Beekeepers’ Short Course May 18, 2024 – Southwest Higher Education Center, Abingdon VA –Pre registration required:
    1. Join Extension Apiculturist James Wilson, in an in-depth look into honey bee anatomy and physiology. This honey bee microscopy workshop will dive into the individual mechanisms of how honey bees work inside and out! Learn about respiratory, circulatory, nervous and digestive systems of honey bees and their adaptations for defense and a lifetime of flower foraging. Working with provided stereo microscopes and precision dissecting tools, participants will get a primer of honey bee internal anatomy and physiology and then hands on experience with their own dissections. See these fascinating insects up close and learn more about how adapted they are for the tasks that make them such beneficial pollinators.

Old Announcements May:

  1. VMGA Spring Continuing Education – Conservation Landscaping – 5/18/2024  Via Zoom – The Science and Practical Application to Create or Restore Biodiversity in the Home Restoration Ecology of Urban Trees – Dr. David BurkeResearch chair of the Holden ArboretumConcentrating on soil ecology, His presentation examines interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, especially mutualistic and associative soil organisms, to restore critical balances in urban trees and plants. Ph.D. from Rutgers University.  Restore Biodiversity with Keystone Plants – Krista De Cooke,Innovation Project Manager for Homegrown National Park.How the homeowner can improve biodiversity that supports the birds, and the insects on which they rely. M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee; MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Haslam College of Business. Register here  Once registered, you will be sent a reminder with the Zoom link the week of the event.
  2. Entomological Society of America – Chrysalis fund grants for projects that teach kids about bugs Deadline to apply: May 31
  3. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 4/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Saving & Starting Seeds
    2. 5/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Rain Barrels
    3. 6/6/2024 – 12 – 1 pm  All about African violets with Jill Fischer.
    4. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    5. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    6. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms

Old Announcements June:

  1. GardenFest 2024 6/1/2024 – Belle Grove Plantation 336 Belle Grove Rd Middletown VA 22645 – GardenFest 2024 – 6/1/2024 – VCE supported by the Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association presents GardenFest at Belle Grove Plantation at 336 Belle Grove Rd, Middletown VA 22645. Event will be 8am to 2pm Rain or Shine. The Master Gardener Plant Sale will feature a large variety of perennials, annuals, houseplants, shrubs and trees. Other highlights: gently used garden items at the Second Hand Rose tent, Children’s Activities, Gardening Advice, Garden Tool Sharpening, Food/Plant/Specialty Vendors and Border Collie Duck Herding Demonstration. Free parking and admission. No Pets Please. Contact for questions. See for more information.



Biweekly Update – May 3

New Announcements

  1. Master Gardener College registration now open: Register here before prices increase May 8
    1. Program and more information here
    2. Want more in-person programming? Register for the VMGA annual meeting on June 15
  2. Entomological Society of America – Chrysalis fund grants for projects that teach kids about bugs Deadline to apply: May 31
  3. NRVMGA Plant Sale, 5/11/2024, Montgomery County Government Center, Join the New River Valley Master Gardeners for our annual plant sale featuring native plants, vegetables, houseplants, garden yard sale and help desk. Saturday, May 11, 9-2, rain or shine. More info here.
  4. Popular Plant Sale Returns! Williamsburg Botanical Garden – May 11, 2024 from 9 am-12noon – James City County Williamsburg Master Gardener Association (JCCWMGA) invites you to our plant sale on Saturday, May 11, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Williamsburg Botanical Garden (WBG) located within Freedom Park at 5537 Centerville Road. This sale runs only on Saturday, May 11, rain or shine. Admission to the WBG and parking in Freedom Park is free.
    1. The sale offers a wide selection of annuals, perennials, vegetables, herbs, trees, and shrubs. Much of the plant stock has been raised by the Master Gardeners themselves. In addition to plants, visitors can shop the Green Thumb Market for gently used tools, equipment, and specialty items to perk up their garden decor. Shoppers will enjoy connecting with fellow gardening enthusiasts and getting advice from the JCCW Master Gardeners Help Desk team who will be on site during the sale to answer questions and assist customers with plant selections. The proceeds from the plant sale fund over 25 projects enjoyed by the community. For more information go to our website, Don’t miss the video!
  5. GardenFest 2024 6/1/2024 – Belle Grove Plantation 336 Belle Grove Rd Middletown VA 22645 – GardenFest 2024 – 6/1/2024 – VCE supported by the Northern Shenandoah Valley Master Gardener Association presents GardenFest at Belle Grove Plantation at 336 Belle Grove Rd, Middletown VA 22645. Event will be 8am to 2pm Rain or Shine. The Master Gardener Plant Sale will feature a large variety of perennials, annuals, houseplants, shrubs and trees. Other highlights: gently used garden items at the Second Hand Rose tent, Children’s Activities, Gardening Advice, Garden Tool Sharpening, Food/Plant/Specialty Vendors and Border Collie Duck Herding Demonstration. Free parking and admission. No Pets Please. Contact for questions. See for more information.
  6. VMGA Spring Continuing Education – Conservation Landscaping – 5/18/2024  Via Zoom – The Science and Practical Application to Create or Restore Biodiversity in the Home Restoration Ecology of Urban Trees – Dr. David BurkeResearch chair of the Holden ArboretumConcentrating on soil ecology, His presentation examines interaction between plants and soil microorganisms, especially mutualistic and associative soil organisms, to restore critical balances in urban trees and plants. Ph.D. from Rutgers University.  Restore Biodiversity with Keystone Plants – Krista De Cooke,Innovation Project Manager for Homegrown National Park.How the homeowner can improve biodiversity that supports the birds, and the insects on which they rely. M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee; MBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from Haslam College of Business. Register here  Once registered, you will be sent a reminder with the Zoom link the week of the event.

Old Announcements May:

  1. HCMGA 22nd Annual Festival of Gardening – 5/4/2024 On the lawn outside city auditorium at Glass H.S. – Plants to satisfy vegetable gardeners, native plant enthusiasts, annuals, tropicals, houseplants, and more will be available at the 22nd annual Festival of Gardening sponsored by the Hill City Master Gardener Association on Saturday, May 4, on the grounds at E. C. Glass High School. Rain or shine, Master Gardeners will offer plants for sale from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m
  2. Western Tidewater EMG Spring Plant Sale – May 4th 9-1, Rain date May 11th – Blackwater Regional Library Please join the Western Tidewater Master Gardeners for our annual Spring Plant sale. May 4,9am-1pm, Rain date May 11th Blackwater Regional Library, 14362 New Town Haven Lane,Carrollton,VA 23314 We will have a variety of plants for sale. Cash or check only. will include garden-related stations for activities and information. Be there or be square.
  3. Nelson County Master Gardeners Annual Plant Sale – 05/04/2024 – Rockfish Valley Community Center – The Nelson County Master Gardeners annual Plant Sale will be held on the first Saturday in May (5/4) from 9 am to 1 pm . There will hundreds of plants available, including native perennials, annuals, vegetables, herbs, shrubs and trees. In addition, we will be raffling off baskets of garden items and selling gently used garden equipment in our Recycled Gardener sale. Please come and check out the plants!
  4. How to Grow Beautiful Roses– 5/6/2024 – VIRGINIA BEACH MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT GARDENING TALKS: Join us on Monday, May 6, 2024, at 7 pm via ZOOM for a Gardening Talks presentation on: How to Grow Beautiful Roses Speaker: Robert Gormley, VBMG Growing beautiful roses isn’t as difficult as most people think. This program
  5. RAMGA Plant Sale 2024 – 5/11/2024 – Ruritan Barn, 1260 Valley Pike, Lexington Va – The Rockbridge Area Master Gardeners will hold their annual plant sale on Saturday May 11 from 8:30 till noon at the Ruritan Barn, 1260 Valley Pike. There’ll be a wide variety of annuals, vegetables, perennials, trees and shrubs, ready to enhance your home’s curb appeal. The event
  6. Heart of Virginia Lunch & Learn Series Prince Edward Extension Office, 100 Dominion Dr., Farmville, VA
    1. 4/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Saving & Starting Seeds
    2. 5/4/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Rain Barrels
    3. 6/6/2024 – 12 – 1 pm  All about African violets with Jill Fischer.
    4. 6/29/2024 11 am – 12 pm  Water Gardens for everyone!
    5. 8/1/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Lawn Renovation
    6. 10/3/24 – 12-1 pm Bring your lunch and join us for a session on Mushrooms