Sample Training Presentations

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Training presentations you can use as you develop your EMG training program.

In addition, some areas do not currently have presentations. WE NEED PRESENTATIONS to fill out these areas.  If you have presentations, please contact Devon Johnson at  We will need permission to put them on the website, and would be happy to share them with others.

Training Forms


The Northern Shenandoah Valley (NSV) unit has generously shared an archive of recorded training presentations with us. You may want to use these presentations either to get ideas for your own presentations or to download to share as make-up sessions. Presentation video recordings and copies of PowerPoint presentations are stored in Google Drive folders below.

Administrative Training Presentations

Civil Rights

Here is the civil rights training video as of January 2024. Please note the civil rights training materials in Better Impact as well:

Risk Management

Pest Management Guide

Training Slides and Notes


Beneficial Insects


Entomology, Insect Pests

Gardening Health, Safety, and Tools

Herbaceous Plants

Plant Pathology & Abiotic Disorders



Water Quality

Woody Ornamentals

*We also need presentations related to aquatics, fruits, general horticulture, greenhouses and cold frames, herbs, indoor plants, IMP, landscape design, native plants, organic gardening, propagation, seeds, vegetables, weeds, and wildlife. Please send us your presentations!

2015 Handbook Exam Sample Questions and Answers

Contributors from Hill City EMGs: Ruth Broadfoot, Patty Garbee, Rosanna Gidner, Margaret Mundy, Faye Routon, and Linda Williams

We would love to add additional questions to the database. If you have any sample questions that you would like to share, please submit them to the State Master Gardener Coordinator at

Previous Edition Questions

The exam database was revised in 1998 by two Master Gardeners in Albemarle County, Vicki Friend and Lisa Workman. The questions were updated in 2002 with help from Chuck Walters and the Northern Shenandoah Valley MGs. There are two types of files. One file contains the questions and the second file contains questions and answers.

Potential Speakers List

A list compiled of potential MG training speakers.  Contact information, topics covered, bios, and areas of the state in which they speak are included in this spreadsheet.
