Photography, Copyright, and Attribution Resources

Media Releases

EMGs now sign a media release as part of the enrollment process which should be kept on file in the Extension office. Media releases are required for “all traditional and electronic media (e.g., photographs, video, audio footage, and testimonials) that are obtained from non-Virginia Tech individuals.”

Media releases only need to be filled out once ( for example, you do not need a new media release every time you photograph the same EMG at a different event).

For public events without the reasonable expectation of privacy, you may take photographs of adults without a media release. For events with the reasonable expectation of privacy, you must have signed media releases on file in order to photograph/use photography of individuals. For more guidance contact the State Office.

For official guidance on media releases and to download the media release forms:

Copyright and Attribution

When creating fliers, presentations, or any other media shared publicly, you may not simply copy/paste images you find on the internet (e.g. in a Google image search)–even if you provide a link back to the original website or author!

If you have questions about copyright, or if you are responsible for creating presentations and want to be sure you are properly sourcing images, please review the following training modules: