As part of Virginia Cooperative Extension’s (VCE) brand update process, all Extension Master volunteer programs (including the Master Gardener program) have received new program logos. These new logos for the EMG program, Master Naturalist program, Master Food Volunteer program, and more will function as a suite of logos.
Please review the logo guide here before beginning to use the new logo.

Frequently asked questions:
- Do we need to get rid of things with the old logo? No. You do not need to throw away or stop using things that have the old logo. As things age out (e.g. as you replace table cloths or print more brochures) replace them with versions that have the new logo. Don’t rush to replace everything immediately.
- Why do we need a new logo? While our old logo was much-loved and perfectly functional, we agreed that it would be strategic to have our program logo and brand match the updated VCE brand and the suite of other VCE program logos.
- Are pins changing? No, we will keep the existing pin designs with the round logo. Certificates will change.
- Which logos do I use on materials? Continue to use the VCE logo and either your local logo (if you have one) or the new logo. New logos customized with your unit name are available here.
- Are association logos changing too? No. Your local association logo (if you have one) is not changing. This is an update of the state program logo used on our letterhead, state website/social media, handbook, etc.
- My unit doesn’t have a local logo, can we create one? No. Please do not create a new local unit logo. We consider existing local logos grandfathered-in.
- Did the Extension logo change? No. The Extension logo remains the same.
About the logo:
- Logo was designed by Sullivan NYC (a brand engagement firm hired by VCE)
- Trowel is meant to symbolize growth and have an authoritative feeling
- Logo matches new Master Naturalist, Master Food Volunteer, Master Financial Volunteer logos which now function as part of a suite of VCE program logos
- Logo accompanies new VCE branding, which is being implemented