For Current Extension Master Gardeners
Information for current Extension Master Gardeners, including biweekly updates, Better Impact, and information on Master Gardener College.

For Agents, Coordinators, and EMG Leaders
Information for Extension agents, EMG coordinators, and EMGs with leadership responsibilities, including program manuals, marketing information, and order forms for pins/certificates.

Become an Extension Master Gardener Volunteer!
Join a dedicated team of more than 5,000 volunteers who work in communities throughout Virginia to promote research-based horticulture. Extension Master Gardeners (EMGs) provide vital public education related to creating and managing home landscapes, vegetable gardening, turf management, and more!
Stay up to date with Extension Master Gardener (EMG) upcoming events
Virginia Cooperative Extension & Master Gardener State Coordinator’s Office
Virginia’s Extension Master Gardener program is part of Virginia Cooperative Extension, an educational outreach program of Virginia’s land-grant universities: Virginia Tech and Virginia State University.